I mentioned in another thread that the BF and I are apartment hunting. Over the weekend we saw places in New Jersey, and tomorrow, a couple more in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (specifically, near the Jefferson stop on the L). We loved one of the places in New Jersey but it's unclear if and when the current tenant is leaving (he doesn't have a real lease). Anyone know Williamsburg and have comments on the area for us? TIA! :)
My BF and I looked at several places there when we were hunting, but we were looking near the Bedford L, so not sure if I know anything that will be helpful to you... ? I know Lynnie lives in B-burg, though.
hmm, jefferson L i belive isn't really the best neighborhood. there is an AMAZING junk store there though, amazing. But it was kind of a scary area, at least what i saw, charming and sort of industrial, i liked being there, but i wouldn't live there, though i'm not sure exactly where you are looking.
Bedford L is really nice, Lorimer and Graham avenue L are nice. I live southside of williamsburg (s. 4th, but right off of bedford, also near the Marcy ave. JMZ, right across the williamsburg bridge), and i adore the area. Rent isn't cheap though anymore around here. Be wary of anything that says "east williamsburg". Try searching around Lorimer and Graham- the area is fun and safe, but not as hipster (or..posh...) as bedford L. But all walking distance from each other!
thanks, lynnie. i have a friend whose boyfriend lives in the area and she told me the same thing as you. the apartment itself sounds great but i am a little apprehensive about the area. we're checking it out tonight. this is more difficult because my BF needs work space wherever we live (he's an artist) and generally, we can afford the room we need in more borderline neighborhoods. well, i'll see for myself later!