Since I started a new job, i need to decide whether to take my company's insurance coverage, stay on my husbands, or perhaps keep both...
I am a little confused on how the double coverage works...anyone here work in insurance or know much about it?
My husbands coverage is a low $400 deductible, $5-20 prescriptions, $15 co-pays with a $60 month premium
My company's coverage is a huge $2500 deductible, $15-30 prescriptions, $25 co-pays, but my premiums are paid by my employer.
So, if I were choosing just one, I would stick with my hubby's...but some people are telling me to keep both. From my understanding, my company would pay first and then his company would pay the difference if there were any.
I'm not an expert on double coverage so I can't truly answer your question but just looking at the dollar amounts your plan seems the least attractive. While it might seem good that your employer is paying your premiums each month- that's not necessarily that much money. I would hazard a quess that it's much less than the $2500 deductible.
Are you planning on having children soon, or do you already have any children? I would take that in account as well.
I would suggest looking very carefully over what each plan covers and what it doesn't cover. For instance: *Does either one allow you to see a specialist without a referral? *Does either one specify how long a hospital stay is covered? *Does either one have limits on which doctors you can see, how wide is the coverage? *What does each say about emergency room coverage? Does maybe one cover the ambulace ride as well? *Does either plan cover "extras" like a chiropractor or health education classes? *Look at the prescripton plan coverage as well- are there drugs that they simply won't cover? Do they use a mail-ordor service?
My final thoughts are that if you aren't going to be paying anything a month since your premiums are covered...than take both. How double coverage usually works is that if you needed medical coverage your employer would pay first and then your husbands, but if your husband got sick than his would pay first and then yours. It could be different, but most often employer of the sick employee pays first. But that would be something to ask both insurance companies about.
If you want, I am actually taking a class right now on financial management of healthcare organizations (BORING!) and I can run your question past my professor.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling