Believe it or not neither DH or me have ever had a pet....that is until now. DH's mom bought a puppy from a man she knows but she didnt get a look at the mother or ask any questions such as, how old are they? what breed are they?, etc. We literally stood at Petsmart for an hour looking around like idiots.
We dont know anything about the puppy, we think he may be very young (under 8 weeks) maybe shouldnt have been seperated from his mom so soon. We know he sleeps a lot, cries a lot at night, and loves to be held. He also looks like he may be a mix of cocker spaniel?
He doesnt have any teeth yet, so we bought him puppy formula, and a little bottle, but he can hardly get any milk out of it because he doesnt bite hard enough on the nipple. So he managed to show him to drink out of his bowl and he gets the milk all over his face, is this typical? We also bought those floor pads and he's been peeing on those regularly.
I've noticed he drags his bottom on the floor to scratch?? someone told me thats a sign of worms, is that true? She said he has them because we fed him cow's milk the 1st night.
We really want to learn more on how to take c/o him and make sure and take preventive measures to ensure he's healthy. Can y'all give me any tips?
I took some pics to show y'all and I just realized I left my cam at home!
A friend of mine is training her new baby puppy right now.
1) I would call a vet, pronto, and take him for a well-baby checkup. They'll be able to answer a lot of questions.
2) There is a LOT of information on the internet. For example, the "triangle" of house training him by taking him out of his cage without playing, straight outside to do his business, then inside ot play, then back to the cage for bed/when you leave, then right outside again, and so on.
It sounds like you guys are doing alright, but I would suggest your first step right now should be to go to the vet. The vet will be able to tell you approximately how old the puppy is, what you should be feeding him, what shots to get, and should be able to answer a lot of your dog care questions. Then enroll yourselves in a puppy training class. You shouldn't start the class until your puppy has had all his shots, otherwise he's at risk for distemper and a million other dangerous diseases. Then get yourselves some books on Amazon. Canine Good Citizen is a good book for raising a well behaved dog, but also get some books on basic puppy care.
The advice you've been given so far by Dizzy & BargainQueen is so right on. I would add a couple of things (I got a puppy the end of July):
. Crate train your puppy from the beginning. It's only hard for a couple of nights.
. Every time they eat/drink/play take them to the door & take them out and then praise them.
. Potty right before bed (I would go out with the puppy to the grass & wait). Then in the crate with a blanket. Don't need to be extra quiet, but put the crate in one spot (say in your bedroom). Be consistent. Our puppy sleeps from 9:30p to 7:00a regularly. She knows nightime is bedtime, and she will go to her crate
. Praise, praise, praise - puppies respond to praise.
. Do not miss the vet appointments - there are alot of shots needed the first few months. The worming is very important.
. Do not expose the new puppy to crowds, other dogs, etc. until it's had the proper series of shots. Like one of the other girls said, they are very susceptible to distemper & other diseases.
Marg has excellent advice. I just wanted to add one more thing:
Socialization is very important to a well-behaved, well-adjusted dog - hence the puppy training classes. BUT do not take him out in crowds, in public, around other dogs during his "fear period" (I believe this is around 5-8 months, but check a puppy manual) because they are very fearful and impressionable at the time. And since your puppy is very young, wait 2 or 3 weeks before you bring him out anywhere (besides the vet). There's one thing I can't stand, and that's seeing young puppies who I KNOW haven't had all their shots yet out in public. They are so susceptible to disease!