I found my driver's license! I don't have it in my hand yet, but when I woke up this morning I had a message from an acquaintance of mine, who I didn't even know works at the library. She found it for me! I'm confident in this because I do know her and I'm sure she took special care to take care of it for me...or at least I'll have a "contact person" who has seen it last!
-- Edited by ttara123 at 11:03, 2006-10-19
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I wouldnt be too terribly concerned, it happens. They dont have any other personal info such as Social Security # etc.. So they would have to be petty experienced id theives to do too much. Are you over 21 they may have decided they or a friend looks like you and they want to get into bars with it.
They cannot open and acct at a bank just because they have your DL. They would also have to know your SS, Banks check the DL info against the ss# to make sure that they match.
I would tell your bank you lost your ID and ask to add a note to your account. That way if they kinda look like your or alter the photo at all they cannot access your acct (very off chance they would know where your bank and would not seem fishy not knowing any other personal info they might ask about). Never the less it happens ,so ask for a password added to your account or for them to verify other info on the account.
I would also monitor your credit report, but again it is unlikely they could do any damage w/o your ss#.
Does it have your correct home address? I dont want to scare you more, but I would lock up tight for a while if it did have your home info.
Honestly unless it still has your social security number on it, I don't think it's too much of a risk. I do completely understand though...a couple of months ago I lost my license and my debit card together. I was completely freaking out. I called my bank and had it cancelled but I searched and searched until 2 am when I finally found it in a pair of shorts I had been wearing the day before. I will never lose that thing again. I really hope you can get in touch with that first girl at the library again. Maybe she put it somewhere safe there? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."