I know a lot of you girls don't like Jeffrey, but I do and I'm so pissed at what Laura did. I'll put my foot in my mouth next week if I'm wrong, but I really don't think he cheated. I think he's just that good. I think Laura's jealous and pathetic. Couldn't she have talked to Jeffrey first about his designs before going right to Tim Gunn - what a b*tch. I know some of you will disagree w/me, but I really want Jeffrey to win and I hope he doesn't get sent home
I really loved Michael too, however, he's really gone downhill w/his designs. It's so sad. He started so strong, but so far from what I've seen, his final collection does not look good.
I'm actually with you on that one, shopchicago, Jeffrey is probably my favorite. That said, I wasn't really pissed off at Laura. Since she, Michael, and Uli all agreed that it would have been a HUGE accomplishment for Jeffrey to finish his collection so completely, I thought it was reasonable for her to talk to Tim about it. I REALLY hope he proves her wrong. I hated how they showed the preview of Tim talking to the group about it and then Jeffrey crying.
I'm worried about Michaels collection too. I think Tim may have nailed it when he said that it looked like Michael tried to hard.
I don't think Jeffrey cheated either. I think it was nasty of Laura to go to Tim Gunn before speaking with Jeffrey, and I think Jeffrey was right when he said that she's jealous and insecure that someone else is better than her. When Uli was looking through his rack she said that his garments were NOT perfect... only the white pants looked questionable. Michael only seemed concerned about the pants as well, at least IMO. I like what he said to Laura when he found out about the accusations, "F--- yeah it's perfect, this is Bryant Park!" I think Jeffrey is very driven, very passionate, and very smart; I think he knows better than to pull something like that. I didn't want him to win until I saw this episode.
OK I really don't like Jeffrey at all. However I do think that what Laura did was pretty shi**y. She should have gone to him first before going straight to Tim Gunn. Though I do like how Uli sort of called her out on it and made her tell Jefferey what she had done. Also respect the fact that Micheal didn't let Laura take the entire fall for it. Can't wait to see how it all turns out. I hope Uli wins though.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
What I've seen so far of Michael's I would have to give it a thumbs down. I hope he can pull it off b/c I think he is so great.
Laura just looked like she was going to blow up with anger over this accusation about Jeffrey. Part of me thinks it is a bit strange to have everything done with nothing to do. I guess I would feel a bit dubious of him too. I really want Jeffrey to win way more than Laura b/c I do think he is so much more versatile than her. I hope after they investigate they find him innocent.
I don't know how to take the previews that they showed of Tim Gunn saying "We have investigated this matter and unfortunately..." Then it cuts to Jeffrey crying. I really hope he is innocent.
jeffrey is actually growing on me.. i think the editing demonized him excessively. but i don't disagree with what laura did (although she could've handled it a little better). considering the gravity of the situation and the risks at hand, i would think it naive to not do anything if they were genuinely concerned/convinced that his work seemed questionable.
that said, i hope uli wins!
ETA: i read that Bravo has the rights to the OFW collections, as well as anything the final 4 creates/shows within 12 months of the finale. no wonder people aren't showing their collections immediately.
FYI, Laura had a reunion show get together at her place in NYC and Jeffrey was one of the attendees. I think that their torrid relationship is all for show. JMO.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
I don't like Jeffrey at all. I haven't from the beginning, so I have no prepared sympathy for him. But if he didn't cheat, it definitely sucks that Bravo showed all that because it's not really fair to cast him in that light if he's completely legit. If he did cheat (and I have no reason to think he did or didn't - I'd believe either way), he deserves it.
As for Laura, I think she handled everything right. She noticed something she thought was amiss, she thought it over while they worked, she asked the other designers their opinions, she spoke to Tim Gunn about her concerns (all while giving Jeffrey every credit about design and fabric), and she told Jeffrey everything that had happened up to that point. What else is she supposed to have done? If I was concerned someone was cheating, I'd have to say something. At least on something as big as Project Runway. I think she showed guts and class, imo. I like to think I would have done the same thing.
I saw Michael's line online and I actually liked it. I wouldn't wear most of that stuff and I still don't think most PRers get the concept of a runway show, but I could see it. I'll have to see it on the show to make my final opinion but it wasn't as awful as I thought it was going to be, based on others' coments.
Uli's line was the most disappointing, imo. It was bland and didn't seem like her.