Honestly I've read false positives are more likely. But it does depend on you body and the hormone build-up, that's why blood tests are most accurate. Wait until your a week late, I know that seems like FOREVER, and test again. If still negative and you don't start, call your doctor.
the first test i took came out negative (even though i *felt* pregnant). i took a test a week later and it was positive. but the first one i took was one of those "early detectors" and i don't chart my period.
Is your cheapie from the dollar store, by chance? They're actually some of the most sensitive tests out there, if it is.
Most 'false negatives' aren't negatives at all - usually it's because it's so early that hormones haven't had time to build up yet (though some people never register positive, for whatever reason), or the line is there but very faint.
How late are we talkin' exactly? I'd test again tomorrow morning first thing, and then test again every other day or so if you don't start.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Usually I'm a bargain shopper, but with something like this I can't skimp at all...maybe go get one of the better tests (they suck, they're like $15 but with the question of pregnancy I think it's worth it!) and see? and try in the morning?
Karina, I can't believe it took a month before it showed up positive for you! That's making me nervous... I took a couple tests last week and again this week and they were both negative, so I assumed I was okay...I mean, ept is supposed to be able to tell fairly well in the day or two before your period even starts!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
According to my gyno, false postives are very, very uncommon. Apparenlty, those things are pretty damn accurate. Most 'false positives' aren't false at all, just human error, such as not waiting too long to check or something like that.
I'm not sure about a false negative, but I'd think they'd be a little more common at such an early stage.Sometimes, there aren't enough hormones to read that early.
ILoveChoo wrote: (sorry, D, I know this belongs on mamastyle )
yeah, it's unfortunate that people don't want to use it and choose to put their posts on ST instead. I was really hoping it would be more embraced than this. I can't really turn it into a site until there's some interest in the MS forum. maybe I should just take it down.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
ILoveChoo wrote: (sorry, D, I know this belongs on mamastyle )
yeah, it's unfortunate that people don't want to use it and choose to put their posts on ST instead. I was really hoping it would be more embraced than this. I can't really turn it into a site until there's some interest in the MS forum. maybe I should just take it down.
aww, don't take it down! I definately love it for things that aren't important/urgent... and I think in time it will get enough traffic for us all to feel more comforted in the fact that the important posts will actually be seen....
ILoveChoo wrote: never mind. I feel bad, and I got all the info that I need. Any future updates will be on mamastyle.
-- Edited by ILoveChoo at 10:30, 2006-10-06
it wasn't my intention to make you feel bad - I was just expressing my opinion since you brought it up.
I know you didn't mean too. You made me start thinking though....and the only way to really get people to strat looking over there is to not make the info available here, right? Hopefully I'll have some fun news over there in a few days, but noone will be finding out unless they look.
never mind. I feel bad, and I got all the info that I need. Any future updates will be on mamastyle.
-- Edited by ILoveChoo at 10:30, 2006-10-06
it wasn't my intention to make you feel bad - I was just expressing my opinion since you brought it up.
the only way to really get people to strat looking over there is to not make the info available here, right?
if there's no posts at MS, or the information is both on ST and MS, why would anyone want to go to MS? hence, no traffic, hence no need to have it there...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase