So I'm considering tattooing my DH initials on me for our first anniversary. I already have 4 tattoos ( had five but had one removed). Is this lame? White Trash like? I'd put it either between my shoulder blades or I don't know where else? Thoughts on this? Anyone else done this before and regretted it? Anyone good at art and can maybe design something. His initials are JP our wedding date was 10-8-05. Welcome all opinions on this one!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
do you want it to be seen? I also have 2 tat's and you can't see them unless I want you to. I really want more but I'm afraid of putting them somewhere I cant hide them if I want to. So for that reason I'm thinking of putting my future tat's on my hip where your undies/bikini strap goes on the side. If I do or when I do get more tat's, they will represent my 2 son's in some way. I have to admitt that I'm afraid of putting my husband's name on my body permanately (sp?) and we've been together for 11 years! MAYBE his initials, maybe......
i say go for it. i have no tattoos myself, so keep that in mind, i guess. but if you already have some you obviously like them, and it isn't like he's some new boyfriend or something, you're married. i have a friend who has her dh's initials on her butt and she's never regretted doing it. i only think it's trashy if they look like they were done in prison, or somewhere totally conspicuous (sp?) - but if you get them done nicely in a not-so-obvious place, i think that's cool.
i have another friend who got her dad's initials (he's dead) between her shoulder blades, just smallish block-type letters, and it looks really cool. but his initials were symmetrical (MRM) so that could be why it works.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I'm not really a superstitious person, but I swear, everyone who I've ever seen with initials of their loved one end up breaking up. I would steer away from having a tattoo of his initials and get a tattoo of something that symbolizes your relationship. I guess maybe I feel like having initials is like a bad omen. I mean, look how well it worked out for Johnny Depp with his Winona Forever tattoo...
I'm not really a superstitious person, but I swear, everyone who I've ever seen with initials of their loved one end up breaking up. I would steer away from having a tattoo of his initials and get a tattoo of something that symbolizes your relationship. I guess maybe I feel like having initials is like a bad omen. I mean, look how well it worked out for Johnny Depp with his Winona Forever tattoo...
which johnny depp changed to: wino forever...
or pam anderson: tommy changed to "mommy"
i feel the same way. it seems like everyone i know personally or every celebrity i know who has inked their SO's initials seems to break up. not saying that it would happen to you... but i guess i'm just superstious that way.
I have to agree with not doing his name, but it's my opionion. I've been w/ hubby for 10 years, and I just can't/won't do it. What I do plan on doing is having the important years in my life done in roman numerals on my back. It will be the year I was born, the year my dad died, the year I got married, and the year my boy was born. God forbid anything happening, but if it does, that year will always be important to me - even if his name ends up not being (important). Funny, hubby hates tattoo's - sigh.
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
I say do it. Even if, heaven forbid, you do separate with your husband, he would still have been a part of your life and your past that you hopefully don't regret (although the upside to this would be it would remind you of a learning experience.) I guess my point is that if it really didn't work out (keep in mind I'm not superstitious about that just because it's happened to others) it would still be a reminder of something in your life and you should never be ashamed of who you are or what you've done. To me, a tattoo is just a tattoo, sure they should be meaningful, but at the end of the day it's just skin. And since you've had a tattoo removed before, I'm sure you'd get this one removed if one day you ever had to. Keep us posted!
I'm superstious about it too. I probably wouldn't get his initials but maybe some other symbol for love. My BFF and her husband are talking about getting a tatoo of the celtic love knot. I think it would look something like this-
or or
I found this description: The Celtic Love Knot is formed by seamlessly weaving a trinity knot into a heart. The trinity knot is taken from the medieval manuscripts such as the Book of Kells, with the obvious religious symbolism, and from the pre-christian Celts who believed that Celtic knots were symbolic of eternity and lives being woven together. Our love knot symbolizes eternal love, beware of who you give this talisman of affection, the results may be permanent.
Getting matching tattoo's is a great idea! I would definately do that with my husband.
I actually have a matching tattoo with my brother, we are very close. I love the idea that we both have the same tattoo in almost the same place on our bodies