my husband and i cancled our home phone after a bunch of crap with verizon. and now we just use our cell phones. it really hasn't been all that big a deal. we got new phones and a new plan when we did this so that we would have plenty of minutes. we have verizon cell phone service, which i love as apposed to their land line service which sucks. every one we know just about is verizon as well, so we got a plan with 700 anytime minutes to share and we are "in" and we never go over our minutes. we pay about $90 a month combined for both our plans and we save a lot on the phone bill every month since we don't get charged for long distance and all that crap. and i never miss phone calls or have to worry about my messages getting erased from the answering machine.
I think its perfect. I prefer having only a cell phone, and land line would only be redundant. The only thing is, if you like talking on the phone for a long time it could get expensive. Most of the people I talk to the most are all cingular customers, so I can yap away as long as I want. But my boyfriend doesn't have cingular so it cuts down on my minutes... if I want to talk to him for more than a minute I always have to wait patiently until my nighttime free minutes.
Still, I've only had a cell phone for a few years now and it's been great.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I don't have a land line and I don't miss it. During the day, I will typically use my office phone so I don't use too many day time minutes that way. I always keep my minutes under those alloted to me.
I never got a land phone when I moved to LA...I felt the expense was redundant. I have used my cell phone for 4 years and had no problems. I'm a Verizon customer and since my BF and family are also on Verizon I can keep in touch with them really easily.
It's so easy because I have one centralized point of contact and I can just check one set of voicemail as opposed to two. I also didn't have to buy a phone unit, which was really nice as well.
we needed a landline for dsl, but i cut it down to a basic line that is only $10 a month. (but i have to pay a dime every time i make a call on it, which is basically never)
We cancelled our land line recently. All we got on it was telemarketers at least 5 times a day and we didn't even know the phone number anyways! Very nice not having to listen to it ring off the hook!
when we bought our house 3 years ago we never installed a land line. i just changed our cell plan to make sure we had plenty of minutes.
the only issues that have come up so far are:
1. not being listed in directory assistance or the phone book -- my bf has side business and if past clients are trying to get in touch with him they have a hard time finding him (this is fine for us but something to think about ...)
2. can't have a fax machine
3. areas of the house where the service goes out -- some houses/buildings are weird and have areas where service drops
I haven't had a landline for 3-4 years now.....It was an added expense that I didn't need, especially when my cell phone had long distance, caller ID, call waiting, voicemail, etc.
I only slightly wish I had it now, but that's because I get crap reception on my cell in my apartment.
Cell phone only is great! If I find that I am running out of minutes at the end of the month, I just use Skype instead. In case you didn't already know, you can call US numbers for free from your computer using Skype and generally the sound quality is great -- sometimes even better than when I use my cell phone.
FashionPrincess wrote: We got Vonage for our home phone cause I call family in Ohio and talk forever. We are pleased with it, but mainly use our cell phones.
same here..........I would prolly go over my minutes w/o my landline. plus vonage is only $29.40 (that's w/ tax and everything).
But since I have this crack"burry" (blackberry)..................boy have I been addicted!
I haven't used a landline in about 4 years. When I lived with the ex, we had one, but he was the only one who used it. I'm in my own place now and I don't have a landline and I see absolutely no need for one.
FashionPrincess wrote: We got Vonage for our home phone cause I call family in Ohio and talk forever. We are pleased with it, but mainly use our cell phones.
ditto. we have vonage and like it a lot. i like that you can check your messages online. and i use that to make longer calls, like to my family.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
Perhaps out of paranoia, I like the 911 capability that a land line has.
This is the one thing that holds me back, actually. I live in NYC and remember on 9/11 that I was unable to use my cell phone that day; it was hard enough getting through on land lines as it was. Obviously that's an extremely unusual circumstance, but the memory of that has stuck with me. Also, I do have longer conversations with my family, but tend not to spend much time on the phone besides that.
What is Vonage? Is that a landline service or something I am just technologically in the dark about?