My boyfriend and I are thinking about getting a dog. But...Im a little worried about it staying in the apartment all the time. Do any of you girls have a small dog in your apartment?? How has it worked out? Although I know that all dogs are different, any stories or advice will help. Thanks!
Yep. I have one and live in an apt. A shih-tzu that is 8 lbs full grown and doesn't need alot of exercise. She's fine w/2 short walks a day and we keep a wee wee pad in the house for when we're not home. It's worked out really well and she's a very happy little dog. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for your response. Im looking at a mixed puppy...part american eskimo, part jack russell terrier. I guess Im mostly worried about the JRT part of the dog. I know they have tons of energy. I think it could work. When the boy and I are home we would be playing with it and taking it for walks, etc. I just dont want to be blinded by the adorableness of the puppy and end up making the wrong just wouldnt be fair to the puppy. Were going to look at them tomorrow to judge the behaviors/personalities of the dogs. Hopefully we can take some pictures so I can post them.
We live in a codo complex and my neighbor has a Pug, it does well. They take it out for a walk before they leave to work and then again in the evening. She also has the luxury to be able to come home for lunch to let him out. That's always a big plus if you can do that.
I found this website helped me tons when we were looking for a dog to fit our condo lifestyle.
Well we went to see the puppies and they were soo cute. I wasnt able to take pictures so this is the one the seller posted on-line.
Sorry its so big!! Were going to name her gucci. She was so playful. She didnt bark or wimper when her mom left...she was just so excited to play. Were going to pick her up on friday. I hope shell be happy in her new home!!
What a cutie! My BF and I have been talking about getting a dog too (and we live in an apartment too) so please post updates on how things go. He wants a labrador retriever, though, and I'm afraid it will be unhappy, as a bigger dog in a smaller space.
We lived in an apartment with our 50lb dog for four years. We lived in a very dog friendly apartment building, so their were tons of dogs of all different sizes and energy levels in our building. IMO, most dogs can be happy in an apartment, as long as the owner is truly dedicated to making sure that the dog gets enough attention and exercise. It can be a lot of work to have a high energy dog in an apartment, but it's doable.