The bf and I have been together for almost a year. It has felt so much longer because we talked for suuuch a long time (almost 3 years). Anywho, our one year will be in November. I have no idea what I want to give him. I really want to do something sweet and unexpected. I know you ladies are really creative and have tons of ideas. Here are some details we are both young. He loves basketball and soccer. He recently started working out again. He has been going everyday to the gym. He loves Godiva chocolate. He is in love with his video ipod.
my friends bf just got her a really cool birthday gift. he got her a nice wood box and had it engraved with her name and his name, memories. that way they could put pictures and ticket stubs and stuff in there. maybe you could give him something like that with tickets to a sporting event.
^ Yup, how abt tickets to a Rockets game for the both of you? And depending on how much you want to spend, maybe get him a jersey or something. They are abt to open ticket sales to the public. We go to the games quite alot so if you want to know where the good seats are, let me know.
I'm a huge fan of celebrating your relationship with an activity rather than a gift. I always think gifts are for christmases and birthdays... but that's just me. I don't know where you live, but if it's not too cold maybe you could plan a hike/picnic in a nearby national forest? There's a forest around here that I just LOVE and I'm always discovering new little secret places. If you talk to someone who frequents the place, then you could see if they know of any place. I've always wished someone would surprise me with something like that. Plus, if its slightly chilly then you could pack hot chocolate and snuggle up to stay warm
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123