i'm attending a wedding in long island on friday. i didn't go to the shower, but i was invited, and i didn't send a gift. generally, i'm a "gift at the shower, cash at the wedding" kind of gal. should i just give more money than i normally would in lieu of the shower gift? should i bring a gift and give money?
this is a good friend's wedding. the bf was invited but isn't going, because we have ANOTHER wedding in long island next thursday and he can't take the time off.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I don't think you're under any obligation to give a shower gift if you didn't attend the shower. If you'd like to include a bit more money than you normally would in their wedding gift because it's a good friend, I'm sure it would be appreciated, but it's definitely not required. Just do what you feel comfortable with, in this situation.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
you are in no way obligated to give a gift for the shower, or give extra to make up for not attending/giving a gift at the shower. at least in my understanding...the mere invitation to the wedding obligates you to a gift, whether you go or not; the invitation to the shower does not - you go to the shower, you bring a gift...you don't go to the shower, you are not obligated to give a gift.
but...you did say that this is a good friend's wedding...so you should do what you feel like. etiquette is fine and all, but it will certainly never tell you NOT to give a gift (just when you aren't "required" to do so). but it is definitely not necessary to give two separate gifts like, 'this is for the shower, this is for the wedding'...you can feel free to give a little extra if you want to, but no one's gonna be like, "where's the separate belated shower gift???"