travelgirl wrote: First of all, thank you ALL so much for comforting me. You guys are the BEST! I was only able to sleep last night because of your stories and reassurance. I called my doctor this morning (sorry I didn't post earlier-we had bad storms and the power has been out today) and it indeed was just a yeast infection. I told the nurse, when I talked to her, they had me scared to death! I hate waiting for results!!!! So you guys were all correct-it was nothing! And as for you D-oh my gosh-please don't feel responsible for my fear at ALL! It was truly because of YOU that I even went-and I mean that!!! I have huge issues with going to the doctor, and worrying about being or getting sick. I was truly inspired by you to get checked. I know if it wouldn't have been for you sharing your story, I am CERTAIN I would have just kept putting it off. HUGS!!! And about my husband...he gave me a very sincere, huge apology today and he said he was wrong for acting mean. He took me out to lunch and he said he will make it up to me somehow and will be more sensitive in the future. So again-thanks so much for your support and truly appreciate all of you girls! PS-girls, if you haven't gone to the ob/gyn-please go! I know it sucks but it feels way worse to have to go knowing you haven't gone in years-believe me!
all I can say is one big WHEW!
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase