Does anyone remember early this spring when I ranted about our freaking fire alarm going off at random times? Not the smoke alarm, the really noisy fire alarm that BEEEEEPS and flashes?
I would just like to report that it is happening again, this time at our upstairs neighbhors apartment. Since 3 o'clock this morning. It is now 11 am. It is still going off.
We called the after hours apartment number when nobody showed up after 15 minutes or so, and were told that they were trying to find someone to check on that . Some guy showed up and knocked on our door at 6:30 this morning (apparently the person they'd been trying to find to check on it) because the dumbass couldn't figure out what apartment it was coming from. He did not fix it. It continues to go off.
Gee, it's sure a good thing our building hasn't burnt to the ground yet. Frankly this does not inspire confidence ... I was under the impression that the alarms are wired to alert the fire department whenever they went off. Nobody is home at the apartment, and the office has been open for 2 hours. MAKE. IT. STOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
That is really strange. This happened a few times at my apt at school, usually when there is a big storm or something and the thunder/lightening sets off the alarm. But it is wired to the fire department and they are here within 10 minutes and then they turn off the alarm after they have checked the building for fires.
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
I would call the Fire Dept. as well. It's your civic duty. It is a shame, though, that the owners of the building usually get fined after too many false alarms.
Thanks for the suggestion. We came to the conclusion that it was a false alarm and were told that it was being taken care of, and therefore didn't call. Should we have? Probably.
Anyway, I just called the office again to tell them it was still going off. They had no idea and said they thought maintenance had already taken care of it. I informed them that they were sorely mistaken. After that it took about 10 minutes and it was off.
Nevermind. But I think we're going to move because I have had it with this place.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Yep, I would have came to that conclusion too, but maybe after so many fines, the owners would fix the damn thing! Isn't that some kind of health/fire violation? Who knows if the thing actually works when there is a real fire! Could it be like a smoke detector and go off when the batteries are low? We had one that had a low battery and it set them all off. What a mess.