my grandmother will be 90 on tuesday and we are celebrating saturday night. i can't think of anything to get her. everything seems too "normal" birthday giftish and not significant enough. i though maybe instead of getting her something, she and i could do something together, but im sort of at a loss there too. so that i have something to give her, i thought i might make a cd of songs she likes and some from back when she was younger that she can listen to in the car. then i thought about maybe a carriage ride around the city or dinner or something. im on a really tight budget, but your grandmother only turns 90 once so i'll just have to find money somewhere.
I think that you should give her something like a carriage ride or maybe do something with you because at 90, I think that she will appreciate memories more than stuff. JMO.
Depending on where you are, maybe you could take a short day trip with her to a neighboring city. If there is a beach nearby, maybe go there and do a relaxed brunch and just hang out in the city looking at stuff (antiques, etc) or go to the beach, then stop for coffee or something when y'all are tired. That is a fairly cheap gift that would be meaningful at least to me. HTH!
When a friend of mine turned 85 we got her tanning was meant to be sort of a joke but she loved them! I think the heat really helped with her arthritis....and we made sure she didn't go for more than like 5 min the first couple of times...
So maybe not tanning sessions but maybe something she's never tried before...massage, pedicure/manicures,
After reading this, I think my family is crazy...we gave tanning sessions to an 85 yr old....i don't know what to do with myself.
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
my grandma is turning 90 this year and my mom got her a star (named it and everything). i'll probably donate a heifer to a family because i can't think of anything she needs and she's really giving, etc... i also really like the idea of an outing. tea sounds great, or maybe even a botanical gardens (if she is ok with walking, etc...).
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
my grandma is turning 90 this year and my mom got her a star (named it and everything). i'll probably donate a heifer to a family because i can't think of anything she needs and she's really giving, etc... i also really like the idea of an outing. tea sounds great, or maybe even a botanical gardens (if she is ok with walking, etc...).
Oooo! What about tea at a botanical gardens? You have to wear hats and everything. I didn't do this with a g-ma, but a summer or two ago some cousins and aunts and I went and had high tea and we all wore big hats. It was so much fun
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
thanks for the ideas ladies. i love the tea idea but can't really think of anywhere around here to go. i decided on just taking her to church and then going to a fancy brunch. the place where we are going is on the top floor of a tall building and it spins around to offer good views of the city. i may try to also find some old pictures and do something with those or incorporate some other things from her past.
Mandy wrote: thanks for the ideas ladies. i love the tea idea but can't really think of anywhere around here to go. i decided on just taking her to church and then going to a fancy brunch. the place where we are going is on the top floor of a tall building and it spins around to offer good views of the city. i may try to also find some old pictures and do something with those or incorporate some other things from her past.
that sounds wonderful. and making something for her may be the best gift, IMO.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase