How do you girls knock yourselves out when you need to sleep during a flight? I always find it incredibly difficult to sleep--one time when I'd only slept two hours the night before I STILL couldn't pass out. I'm flying to Paris in two weeks for a friend's wedding (I know! I am SO EXCITED!!) and I want to make sure I get some sleep so I don't waste a single minute of my time in France being jet-lagged.
Well, I take Dramamine because I get sick from flying. It totally knocks you out cold, but if your flight is 2 hours or longer (which obviously yours will be) you won't be groggpy when you get off the plane either.
Oh geez, I have the opposite problem. As soon as I sit down, I'm out. Usually I wake-up mid-takeoff and scared to death because by that point I've usually forgotten where I am.
Anyway, try taking a blanket and one of those little eye mask thingies to see if that will help. An iPod with some good, calm music might work too.
I'm not good at sleeping on planes either, but this is what I did when I flew to Paris a year ago: took two Benadryl, wore good ear plugs, and I got an eye mask at the Sharper Image that is huge and blocked out all the light.
I also try to fall asleep as soon as possible after getting on the plane, like after they reach cruising altitude and you can recline the seat. If you wear a watch, try setting it ahead to Paris time when you're on the plane -- that can help a little bit with mentally making the switch too. And finally, wear your seat belt on the outside of your blanket, or the flight attendant will wake you up to make sure you're buckled in.
scarlett wrote: I'm not good at sleeping on planes either, but this is what I did when I flew to Paris a year ago: took two Benadryl, wore good ear plugs, and I got an eye mask at the Sharper Image that is huge and blocked out all the light.
ooooh, these are all good ideas. My friend is SORT of French... he's more kind of pan-European (grew up all over). The wedding is going to have amazing people-watching, though. Obviously I will be posting later for consultation as to what I should bring with me to wear.
scarlett wrote: I'm not good at sleeping on planes either, but this is what I did when I flew to Paris a year ago: took two Benadryl, wore good ear plugs, and I got an eye mask at the Sharper Image that is huge and blocked out all the light.
ooooh, these are all good ideas. My friend is SORT of French... he's more kind of pan-European (grew up all over). The wedding is going to have amazing people-watching, though. Obviously I will be posting later for consultation as to what I should bring with me to wear.
The mask really works -- it's covered in soft velour too and has little pockets on the front for you to keep your ear plugs in.
That sounds like such a glamorous, continental wedding! I love opportunities to dress up.
I have finally learned after tons of flying. It helps me to put my tray table down and just sleep on that with my arms cradling my head. I also bring a pashmina b/c I think that's cleaner than the scary little blankets they give you. I try not to be too hydrated so I don't have to get up for the bathroom. And, I take two tylenol p.m.- which might be the most important of all!
Have a wonderful trip! Please post the wedding outfit contenders!
We just got back from a trip to France/Spain and here's what I did:
Flight out: two Bloody Marys and some Vicodin (I have a regular Vicodin rx). We were lucky to have a row all to ourselves so I laid my head on DH's lap and slept pretty well for several hours.
Flight home: only had the two-seater row, so this was tougher. DH so sweetly found another empty two-seater row further back in the plane and stayed there for a bit so I could "sort of" lay down and try to rest (I can't really sleep sitting up). It was cramped but I took some melatonin and did get some decent cat-napping in. Then we just crashed once we got back to the house.
Also I always bring my pashmina, which is warm and cuddly. And I wear ear plugs and an eye mask.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I love those neck pillows for the airplane. Also bring some sort of blanket or pashmina like others suggested. I have trouble sleeping when I'm chilly.