My mats are FILTHY, and my MIL is coming this evening. We'll be spending a lot of the weekend driving, so I want to clean the mats. I was thinking of throwing them in the wash w/ a little detergent and some color-safe bleach. Sound like a good idea? Ever done this? I figure they would HAVE to end up looking better than they are now.
They are SO CLEAN!!! They went through just fine. I did two at a time (I have seven). They're WAY cleaner than they get at the car wash, and it's so hot and dry here that they are drying in no time! YEAH!!!
I don't think it would hurt the mats, but how heavy are they? If they're the fabric ones with the heavy plastic back, it's probably not a good idea. I think they'd throw the machine off balance.
tri_sarah_tops wrote: I don't think it would hurt the mats, but how heavy are they? If they're the fabric ones with the heavy plastic back, it's probably not a good idea. I think they'd throw the machine off balance.
True... I think I'll throw just the front 2 in by themselves and see how that goes.
I would go to the car wash, but my girls woke up at the CRACK OF DAWN... literally. It's been a lousy morning, and I didn't have time. Now they need a nap, REALLY BAD. And I need them to take a nap, REALLY BAD, so I won't have time to go to the car wash before I have to go to the airport to pick my MIL up. I think I'm going to wash the dirtiest ones right now on a short cycle, then put them outside in the 105 degree (at least) heat to dry. That should do the trick! I can save the larger back ones for the car wash to do, that's what I normally do.