Maybe a silly thing to announce, but i'm 23 today! Woot- I'm not a big bday person- never want anything, never expect anything- but i'm having a really great day. Last night at exactly midnight, the boy i like that lives across the country messaged me happy bday. My roommate came home w/candy and beer and we drank and played board games til 2 am. Then at work, the two designers I work for surprised me with a sweet card, magnolia cupcakes, a comme des garcons wallet, and a dress that they made. One of our interns also showed me a necklace she is making for me- its so cute! And I'm about to leave- go grocery shopping for my bday weekend (the boy is flying in tomorrow night through monday night- sooo excited- haven't seen him since June 25- some of my friends from home are also visiting me and I'm going to make french toast casserole- soooo good!) and then go to the MTV VMA's afterparty- maybe i'll see some celebs. And tomorrow the boy comes!!! AHHH best day ever! That's all