This is fun! Here's my design, feel free to change the colors if you're not a Cubs fan!
Front: From Chicago to China
Back: I'll Run Around the World for You
Jahni wrote: Front: From Chicago to ChinaBack: I'll Run Around the World for You
shpgqueenet wrote: Jahni wrote: Front: From Chicago to ChinaBack: I'll Run Around the World for You
AWWWWW! This seriously made me get teary a good way.
ditto -- me too. Everything makes me cry these days but I got teary at work.
Front: Chicago Half Marathon
Back: No Distance Can Keep Us Apart
sorry...I couldn't resist making another one.
Front: Chicago Half Marathon (in the corner)
Our love for you...
Back: (a heart with the chinese love symbol and Chicago on one side, China on the other) greater than any distance between us.
It's hard to see. Let me know if you want my e-mail to see it bigger.