So the bridal shower was fun. I sat next to one of Dh's cousin and she is 28 weeks pregnant. I couldn't hold it anymore and spilled the beans to her. But I told her it was a secret.
Well, that wasn't what did it. Apprently my Motherhood Maternity pants (yes, I am wearing maternity pants because my tummy has already sprouted) were recognized as being maternity pants right away.
After the shower DH and I decide to go to dinner and while driving he gets a call from his brother.
DH's Brother: "Judy told Theresa who told me that she saw Irene wearing maternity pants. You may want to tell mom before someone else calls her."
DH: "Uh, I don't know. I am not home. Talk to you later."
And we get home DH's mother tells him that she 'knows'. So someone saw that I was wearing maternity pants and before DH and I even got home from dinner, it was out throughout the family. Sheesh!
So I guess that's that! Now we have to make the calls to give official notification.
awww, that stinks that it couldn't be your secret for any longer. But, in a weird way, it's sweet that news traveled so incredibly rapidly - it means that everyone is elated for you, right?
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Maternity pants gave you away? Wow! Someone is very detail oriented! Sorry though that you didn't get to break the news in your own way and at your own time.
Irene, I have meant to congratulate you! Congratulations!! You are going to love being a mom!
Now, about the cat out of the bag. Get ready friend, people seemed to become so much more observant after I became pregnant. Sometimes I just cringed, thinking in my head, "STOP looking at me!" At least after you have the baby, all eyes will be elsewhere!
I have to admit being overly observant of pregnancies myself. Last year I noticed a mother of child between 12-18 months old in my son's gym class wearing maternity jeans like me, I wondered if she was pregnant, but I didn't want to ask her and assume she just hadn't gotten through with her post partum wardrobe yet! Well, I saw her again last week and I was right, she is pregnant.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld