Glad to hear you are able to get back online. If you are anything like me, this site will be your saving grace! Thank god for laptops and computer access at the hospital!
I'm sorry about everything you are going through. I'm glad you are feeling able to do some stuff, but take it easy:) You have all the time in the world. I wish you all the best
thanks, ladies. things get a little better each day - hoping to be a little more back to normal next week after I get some tubes taken off. also, these pain killers have me fairly incapacitated and especially fearful of writing anything (besides typing not being the most comfortable thing to do).
fyi to poptart - I copied your double bun hairstyle for the hospital. it was perfect for surgery and I received a few compliments
I have stories to tell but will wait until next week to write a big post. thanks again for your well wishes.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase