I just thought of this game today (it came from an e-mail about the '80s). Now, I want to remember how to play and play it with my girlfriends this weekend over drinks ... and I don't remember!
Just to refresh your memories, it is the game where you list 4 possible residences, 4 guys, 4 locations, 4 cars, etc., and then by eliminating them one by one, you come up with a story.
hahahaha...kari and i played this a lot during class and bar review...so if we don't pass the bar you can blame it on MASH....
This is how we played...
1. Draw a Square, on top of the square write MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House)
2. On the outside, right hand side, list 4 possible husbands
3. On the outside, bottom, list 4 possible numbers of children
4. On the outisde, bottom, (beside the numbers of children) list 4 possible cars
5. On the outside, left hand side, list 4 possible careers
6. In the middle of the square, draw a circle-maze type thing, it looks like the symbol cartoons use when someone is being hypnotized or if someone is dizzy...anyways...start drawing the symbol until the other person says stop. The number of lines from the top of the circle you drew to the bottom is the number you use to count and eliminate.
7. When you have your number, begin with the M in Mash and go clockwise. Whichever possibility you stop counting on is the one that gets eliminated. Then start counting again.
8. Whenever you only have one possibility left in each category that's the place they live/number of children/car they'll drive etc.
In elementary school we even made up extra categories...I can't remember what they are though...
By the way...Kari ended up marrying Jonathan Krems (gross!!!) driving a worn-out mini-van, and living in a shack...
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
My oldest girlfriend and I just had a spit (the card game) contest while her 9 mo old was sleeping and we said that we're both already married and were laughing about how M.A.S.H. wouldn't work for us anymore....since it was 100% based on reality...
MASH was the best. I think we made an alternate version as well, but can't remember it. We would also do the LOVES calculation with your name and the boy you like. Now you can just do that on the love calculator
omg i loved this game. Jahni is right about how to play. I remember we use to come up with all kinds of crazy categories such as color of wedding dress, color of car, names of kids, etc.
Wow....I actually just played MASH last week! Seriously! I was in the lab waiting for one of my patients and one of the medical assistant's had her daughter in the lab for the day. The daughter and I played a billion games of MASH while I was there. We used lots and lots of categories, from type of pet to color of wedding dress and even number of kids.
Don't forget that the fourth pick in each category is the "administrator's" pick- whomever is actually doing the counting/drawing the little circle thingie. She gets to pick a smelly boy from class, the black wedding dress, etc! And in the case of my little lab friend last week, the fourth pet was a bearded dragon.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Jahni is right...we played all through law school. And for the record...Jonathan Krems is the strangest most unpleasant boy in law school! It is alway fun to add some bad choices into the mix for fun...the only problem is...I always get stuck with those instead of the hotties!
How Funny!!! I thought that me and my friends were the only dumb ones who played MASH!! Some catagories we used were: honeymoon place, what type of car you will drive...etc. Me and my friend were just talking about how when we played last yr at school I got stuck with my Algebra teacher and our Honeymoon would be in Hawaii!!
We made up extra categories like wedding colors, Maid of Honor, city of residence, etc. It was always fabulous when you ended up living on farm in NYC. We also made sure that one choice in each category was postively awful- like in careers, we would put 'garbage collector' or something like that.
We would play the same type of game with oragami paper things that we called cootie catchers. We would put 4 colors on the top and then the other person had to pick which color then you would move your fingers the amount of letters in the colors name. The next round was numbers and the other person would pick a number. You would do that round 2x. At the end you would lift up the flap and there would be a guy and a girl name there which would "supposedly" be your FH and FBFF.