We are going to take a second look at a house we like tonight. I am bringing my dad along (he has lots of building/contracting experience) to see if he has any concerns.
I am wondering how you know what to offer. I know our realtor is supposed to help us, but I'd love some input from you.
Things I know: the current owners bought the house is 2004 for $155,000. Their starting asking price was $189,000. It has been on the market 78 days and is now at $184,000. The roof is in decent shape. It seems structurally sound...we will get an inspection. I looked it up on zillow.com and their price falls into the range it gives.
The heating and air seems to be the original unit and the house is almost 30 years old. That kind of bothers me. Also, the oven and stovetop seem to be original to the house and they are not only ugly, but who knows how long they'll last.
They have done some great updates like slate tile floor and new tile countertops in the kitchen and scraped the popcorn texture off the ceiling and repainted the walls.
So, considering all of those factors...any ideas what a reasonable offer would be? thanks in advance for any input.
Most people have their asking price high. Start low- but not so low they aren't interested. Then you can work your way to a middle price....and then depending on what the house appraises for you can renegotiate. You can also check the county assesors site and see what they say the house is worth and go around that. HTH and good luck!
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
Well, to address the appliance issue, ask for a home warrenty. They don't cost the seller much, so they will go for it. If your appliances go within the first year, they will be replaced or repaired, free of charge. We had one, and used it on our oven. Unfortunetly, they just fixed it (it was ugly) but it saved us from having to buy a new one right away.
You could offer $180,00 but ask that they oven and stove and fridge be replaced ( you pick the color white black etc ) ALot of people call this a "kitchen allowance".
Or you could offer $178,000 because of said kitchen issues.
MOST people would take the $180,000 and just buy you the kitchen items you need. This is good too because it gets lumped into your loan and you dont have to out of pocket any expenses to replace it.
Keep in mind with a home that is 30yrs old, you will probably have some repair issues that come up. SO make sure you are prepared to fix the AC or heating or water pipes etc, should they need it in the next couple years.
Do you have a real estate agent representing you as a buyer? If so, ask your agent how soft the market is where you are buying. I say this because the market is EXTREMELY soft where I live right now and houses just aren't moving. Sooo if you are in a really good "buyer's market" area I would start pretty low and work up from there. If the house is in a hot area where the real estate market is more of a "seller's market) then you may not want to start as low.
Also, check for "comps" in the area to see what homes are going for in that neighborhood. This will give you a good basis for a starting offer.
78 days on the market is quite some time. I would try to get it for $179k so you can replace the appliances.
Maybe you could offer much lower. We got our house $30k under the asking price since our first offer was $50k under asking price. The house had no interest for months and they figured they better take before winter came when you don't get as much.