We've been in the process of buying a house for a little while now. This is so nerve racking! We found a great house and payed for an inspection and appraisal only to find out it was a waste because there seemed to be foundation problems. So we cut our loss and went on looking for something again.
We have found another great house and the people have been so nice. We paid for another inspection and another appraisal. It appraised for just under the price we agreed on so we went back to the table and worked it out so the seller and ourselves were both happy.
I was thinking everything was pretty much set until today DH gets an email from the bank saying everything is fine- we are approved (they told us we were approved several months ago) and that there are a few conditions the underwriter has and someone will call us to tell us. If there were conditions- they should have told us upfront. I don't even know what kind of "conditions" would be on something like this since it is our first time buying a house. So here we are just waiting for someone to finally get around to calling so we can find out what this is about. Keep your fingers crossed for us that it's all going to work out please!
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
Good luck. Try not to sweat it too much. Sometime I think underwriters may just like to make you jump through hoops. They may just want more copies of bank statements or something.
I don't think you have anything to worry about. When we were bought a house, we were given a preapproval amount that was based on income and credit, but there were conditions to actual approval, but they weren't anything big. All of the conditions dealt with income verification and payment documentation (due to credit report errors).
Well all they needed was a copy of our marriage certificate and to add my name to DH's account with the bank that is financing us. We had already asked them 2x if this needed to be done- I don't know why they kept saying no. They said we were good to go and could close anytime now. Yay! The people we are buying from are having a house built so it will still be another month or so before they can move out so we aren't going to close yet BUT at least everything is pretty set. I'm so excited!!
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."