So, I've never ever had a hickey until my current bf. At least if I was 13 or someting, people wouldn't be as shocked - but come on! I'm an adult now! I've talked to him about it, and I don't think he tries, exactly, but sometimes I end up with a little one anyway. Usually makeup covers it up completely.
Last night, however, I got quite a few. I looks absolutely awful. Usually I would just pile on the foundation and wait for my friends to rag on me, but tomorrow my family is going to my uncle's house for a big party, and I definitely don't want them to see it.
I've never had to deal with this before, like I said, so I don't even have any idea what to do. How long to hickeys last? Is there anything I can do to make it go away or tone down? In the winter I'd wear a turtleneck, but I can't exactly do that now...
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I used to get them in high school- and once in a blue moon still do (completely accidental too) I bruise really easy. I used to think running cool water on them would lighten them- I don't remember if it actually worked or not. I have long hair so I usually just wore my hair down. But you could also wear some type of a sleeveless shirt with a turtleneck type collar. HTH
The scarf is a good idea too
-- Edited by luckyclover at 10:50, 2006-08-18
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
i got one in high school and someone said put ice on it. i don't think that actually worked but it may be worth a try. i like the sleevless cowl neck idea, or maybe a button up.
Try putting some ice in a ziplock bag and holding on the hickeys for a few minutes. I did that to stop them from getting larger. Also, when I was in college, a sorority sister told me that using coverup that's a little bit lighter than my skin tone would cover a hickey better than trying to use coverup that was an exact match.
I am of no help - but I just had to say - I've been giggling about this all morning. I'm so sorry - I know it's not funny. But it sounds like something that would happen to me.
I like the scarf idea - you can try the ice / other stuff but I just think you would be less paranoid about a scarf
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I am ashamed to say, I have had the same problem recently
and of course, during my college years, I'd see some right before my sunday lunch with my parents
The trick is: if you don't think about them,people won't see them. This doesn't mean you should go with a deep v-neckt-shirt. But, if you put a nice light scarf, non tied but just loosely wrapped around, after putting on some make up, and forget about that, nobody would notice.
It's the self-consciousness that drags people's eyes there!
you should wear a sleaveless turtleneck in a light weight fabric and some capris or something like that, so it is not obvious you are trying to cover them up.
also, try using an ice pack or some of that redness relief lotion from eucerin.
haha I have to say, "hearing" you guys giggle makes me feel a little better :)
I like the scarf idea, but I feel like everyone might notice that especially, because it is never something I would wear, especially to my uncle's farm for a picnicy day... of course, I may get desperate and reach for a scarf anyway :)
The button up is definitely a good idea, I'll probably end up doing a lot of foundation, but I'm white as a ghost so I already use the lightest shade I can find!!
Thanks, guys... if anyone else has any ideas, keep 'em coming! I feel like a fool
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Tee hee! I hope you know we're laughing with you, not at you. Because it is actually kinda funny.
Anyway, I totally think that ico's right--if you ignore it and don't act self-concious about it, then no one will realize it's there. I'd take preventative measures though and wear a button up shirt and put some foundation on it. I'd be afraid that putting ice on it or doing any of the other tricks might irritate it and make it red, so I'd be cautious.
Just in case anyone does see it, which I doubt, have a canned response ready for how you want to deal with it. You could make a joke about it and laugh it off or find another way to handle it. If you're prepared if someone is obviously staring or (god forbid) actually asks you about it, then you'll avoid stammering "uh....uh...." and it'll be a *bit* less awkward.
Tee hee! I hope you know we're laughing with you, not at you. Because it is actually kinda funny.
haha I know, it is funny. I'm laughing at me. I'm just afraid of what everyone will say. When I legitimately burned my neck with a curling iron, everyone was on me all day wondering why I would be so unclassy as to walk around with a hickey, and no one believed me that it was a burn. So now when I have a legitimate hickey, I'm extra afraid
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
one of my favorite lines from the tv show the nanny was fran telling maggie that she needed oil based concealer to hide hickeys. I've never tried it but maybe you can run to the drug store in the morning and find some and give it a go.
thanks, guys. On Friday night my friends noticed it, so on Saturday I ended up using two different foundations, plus powder, and wearing a button-up shirt. But my great plan was thwarted when the picnic was called off because of an unforeseen family problem, and so my parents decided that it would be a good day to cut down some trees since there were 4 adults at home all one the same day! So I had to change into a t-shirt, and I was sweating from working, so I "went to the bathroom" 10 times a second to reapply foundation. I was so hot but I didn't put my hair up. But no one asked about it! thank goodness!
This was such a stupid experience, I definitely let the BF know that this could NOT happen again
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123