So, now that I am pregnant, I have been struggling with myself. At one moment, I am happy and looking forward to having my baby. The next moment, I am terrified of the massive responsibility of being a parent.
And then I go from what I considered was a promise to my unborn child to make sure I have two kids, then I am so scared of how I would take care of them and start thinking of only having one. I can't only have one. That is horrible. I was an only child and I absolutely hated it. I was so incredibly lonely.
I just want to be a good mom. But everything is now an internal fight.
So... I am so confused right now. I don't know, but is there such a thing as a "pregnant brain"? I can't seem to concentrate on much. I am forgetting things such as turning off my car and leaving the keys inside, leaving my wallet everywhere, etc.
Yeah, and it doesn't get any easier anytime soon. I find myslef having moments where I wonder "what if......" But then I realize that God doesn't give people things they can't handle. We only want one child and I don't think it's cruel at all. I had a sister and we we're 8 years apart so we were never really "close". We have a lot of family members who are only childs and they turned out really well, just spoiled. But that's the only way to have them. It's a personal choice, I'm not saying it's the right one for everyone. My husband and I talk a lot which makes everything seem a lot better! I'm looking forward to the rest of my 9 months and I can't wait to hold that little baby!
I think what you're goign through sounds normal- I mean, its a huge life change so I would hope that you'd be a little apprehensive! I also think that if you don't doubt your parenting skills at least a little, you probably should be.... I would be worried if you didn't! You'll be a great Mom!
As for the ditziness, my Mom turns into a toal ditz when she's prignant. I remember one time she actually managed to shut her HEAD in the closet!! So I think that may be a little normal too.
My husband and I are both only children and we turned out just fine. We even share our stuff. (Except the closet, which I monopolize ruthlessly). My parents made sure I played w/ the neighborhood kids, and signed me up for playgroup type things as soon as I could walk/talk, so I don't remember being lonely as a little kid. I think it's all in how you raise an only child; if you teach him/her to be outgoing with other children, then s/he will make little friends more easily.
I personally think I'm going senile...I have the mental capacity to retain information for 15 mins max...and my already poor grammar is even worse (I didn't think this was possible). Which is really good for someone that has to interact with clients on a regular basis!!!
don't worry too much about the how many children thing...or how to take care of more than one..
Bastet wrote: My husband and I are both only children and we turned out just fine. We even share our stuff. (Except the closet, which I monopolize ruthlessly). My parents made sure I played w/ the neighborhood kids, and signed me up for playgroup type things as soon as I could walk/talk, so I don't remember being lonely as a little kid. I think it's all in how you raise an only child; if you teach him/her to be outgoing with other children, then s/he will make little friends more easily.
Same here. I am an only child and I loved it. My parents said that I did miss out by not having brothers or sisters, but they allowed me to have friends over all the time so I would get child interaction. Also I was very active. The main thing is to remember that they are an only child and try to avoid the stereotypical only child actions.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Bastet wrote: My husband and I are both only children and we turned out just fine. We even share our stuff. (Except the closet, which I monopolize ruthlessly). My parents made sure I played w/ the neighborhood kids, and signed me up for playgroup type things as soon as I could walk/talk, so I don't remember being lonely as a little kid. I think it's all in how you raise an only child; if you teach him/her to be outgoing with other children, then s/he will make little friends more easily.
I was pretty much raised as an only child too (my brothers are 15 and 12 yrs older than me and were both out of the house before I can remember). Anyway, I think it's all in how you're raised. I think I'm a really independent person as a result of me being an only child, which I don't think is a bad thing at all.
NCshopper wrote: Anyway, I think it's all in how you're raised. I think I'm a really independent person as a result of me being an only child, which I don't think is a bad thing at all.
Yep, me too... I know it also fostered my creativity because since I didn't often have other kids to play with, I spent a lot of time making up stories and play worlds and people and things to entertain myself.
Congrats on your pregnancy Irene! I wouldn't worry too much right now about whether to have another one. You have plenty of time to decide after the baby comes. Most people I know (myself included) wanted to have another one right away when the child was a newborn, but that is a sort of honeymoon phase that fades as motherhood becomes more challenging. You'll have plenty of time to make the decision though--and neither choice is a bad option.
alb wrote: Congrats on your pregnancy Irene! I wouldn't worry too much right now about whether to have another one. You have plenty of time to decide after the baby comes. Most people I know (myself included) wanted to have another one right away when the child was a newborn, but that is a sort of honeymoon phase that fades as motherhood becomes more challenging. You'll have plenty of time to make the decision though--and neither choice is a bad option.
I agree- don't worry about that now. You have time to figure it out.
I'm sure there are bonuses to being an only child but DH and I are going to have 2. I grew up with brothers and sisters and I want my child to have that. Plus what if something ever happens to your child? I had a friend whose sister had asthma really bad and ended up dying from an asthma attack. And another one whose brother had epilepsy really bad and ended up shooting himself. Could you imagine being those parents...With no child left at all? We both think 2 is a good number and that's what we plan to have.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."