After I pay rent, I will not have a dime in my bank account. My mom is going to give me a bit of money so I can at least buy groceries til payday.
You are not alone - my parents are sending me grocery money too, because of the same reason.
I'm so glad we all have eachother. I have felt really really depressed all week and alone, and it's so nice to know that my "girlfriends" are going through similiar things and none of us are alone. Thanks girls.. I you all.
I didn't think I needed this but after I got to work 40 mins ago:
I HAD A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN at work. I'm so embarrassed! This client is driving me crazy, I cant do anything right. Last night I stayed until 7PM and my poor child was still waiting for me at my moms house. I worked on this stupid newletter trying to make it work and since the client INSISTED it go out by yesterday, I sent it out. This morning the 1st email is a compliant email of how I deleted an entire section when I should have only deleted part of it, which doesnt make any sense! To make it worse, he added big honcho client AND their BIG boss! I immediately started to cry in front of all my employees, which I swore I would never ever do at work! I just want to quit and go work at Kmart at this point.
I think I'm super emotional and sensitive because I just got u know what this morning
Man! We all need a happy hour!! First round's on me.
FP - You and I should bond over crappy bdays. Mine is 6 days before xmas, so I feel you. I've been planning my own bday celebrations for so long now I don't even know what it'd be like to be surprised. I start reminding people of the "occasion" about a month in advance. It sucks but I'd rather plan something myself than sit at home alone, which would depress me to no end. So sorry your bday wasn't extra special. Here's to next year!
I have another to add to the list.
The BFF I was still kinda mad at is making me even more aggravated. We're working on this project for which I've done 100% of the work, which is okay because it's something I can do a lot easier than she can. But today I needed her to sign a contract and get it notarized. It took me about half an hour to get the contract formatted correctly (the guy sent it to me all jacked up) and ready for her to sign. She works about .5 miles from my office and gets off at 12:30 (she's only PT and not going to school right and basically not doing anything). So I offer to email it to her but she doesn't have wordperfect on her computer at work. Fine. Can she come over to my office and sign it b/c I'd already asked an admin if she'd notarize it for her, which she said she would. But my BFF refuses to come over here to my office, a few blocks away, on her way home because it's inconvenient and could I please format it in Word so she can do it at her office? Wtf? I explain to her that it will take a lot of time b/c it's a legal contract and there's a lot of specific formatting I'll have to redo. But she doesn't care. So I do all the work in the whole freaking project and she can't even stop by my office, a mere few blocks away, after she's done for the afternoon from her part-time job, to make things just a tad easier on me? Nope. That's too inconvenient for her. Grrr. I'm so annoyed.
I stole a roll of toilet paper from work. Ok, I am poor this week but this is not why (I do have change lying around to buy TP!)...I was too lazy to go to the store after work, so I just took it!
* Tuesday was my birthday and even though on the surface it was a good day, it really sucked as far as birthdays go. No one got me any presents or cards or anything (well my hubby got me a card while we were at Walmart on Monday night, like 15 minutes before my b-day while I was shopping with him!). No one had anyone sing to me at the restaurant or even mention it to the waiter. We went to a nice restaurant and took a walk on the river walk, but only because I planned it, if I hadn't planned it I'm pretty sure nothing would have happened. And this makes me sad because I make a huge deal out of everyone else's b-day and I let everyone know how excited I was that my b-day was coming. And I really could have used a day where I felt special with everything that has happened recently. It's not even about gifts or anything, it's about the thought. It's just frustrating that I put some much thought and effort into others and feel like I don't get it in return. And then on top of this, I feel selfish for feeling this way!
FP, my birthday was last Saturday and it pretty much sucked, too, so I feel your pain. I went out during the week with different people for my birthday, but by the time the actual day rolled around, my plans to go to Atlantic City fell through, everyone bailed on and I ended up making substitute plans. I went out with some friends, but I was home by 10pm. And no one sang to me, either, but actually, that's okay b/c I hate that.
One thing that did surprise me was the big deal that my co-workers made. They brought me breakfast at my desk, cards, a few presents, took me out to lunch and when I came back there was cake. All of this was completely unexpected and honestly, the highlight of my birthday (along with my friend who took me out for sushi a few days before and then we consumed an entire bottle-plus of the most delicious dessert champagne).
But yeah, my actual birthday was pretty anticlimatic and if I hadn't planned anything, I'm pretty sure I would have been sitting at home with nothing to do. If it makes you feel any better, I wish we lived closer! We could have celebrated our birthdays together!
*I feel totally lost. I have no clue who I am since I got married. I have a new name, no money of my own that I earn, no job. I used to have goals, I used to want to be somebody. Now I'm just somebody's wife.
*My DH never stops talking, it's the most annoying thing in the world. He NEVER shuts up, blah blah blah about anything. He literally said this after watching a McDonalds commercial. " you know you can't even get to Juno by car? Juno the capital of Alaska" I was like what the hell are you talking about. The he proceeded to give me the history of Alaska, sometimes I pretend his head explodes.
*I avoid going out with this couple friend of ours becuase the girl is so skinny and pretty and athletic and I'm so tired of hearing conversations about the skimpy workout clothes she wears or how pretty she is or how good her body is. It makes me feel fat and ugly even though she's a great person and my friend and I feel horrible for it.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Collette wrote: *My DH never stops talking, it's the most annoying thing in the world. He NEVER shuts up, blah blah blah about anything. He literally said this after watching a McDonalds commercial. " you know you can't even get to Juno by car? Juno the capital of Alaska" I was like what the hell are you talking about. The he proceeded to give me the history of Alaska, sometimes I pretend his head explodes.
I am sorry, but this is hilarious. Gotta love marriage!
- I am back to work and I am pissed about it. I have nothing at all to be pissed about, either, because I have had 2+ months off, traveled, slept in, etc. As much as I like my job, I don't want the stress and responsibility. I would rather hang out at my house all day and watch soap operas.
-I buy new stuff so I don't have to clean the old stuff. For example: I gave away a minifridge at work, because someone unplugged it over the summer, and the freezer melted and there was all this nasty water inside. I didn't want to clean it. Also, I replaced all of the toilet brushes in the house because I didn't want to sterilize the old ones.
-I saw a girl I used to go to HS with working at the mall the other day and I didn't say anything to her because I didn't want to have one of those awkward we-were-never-really-friends-anyway-but-we-feel-obligated-to-chat-for-a-while conversations.
-I make my sisters pick me up when we go shopping b/c I hate to drive.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
* I am fat and lazy but only have enough motivation to whine about it. I haven't been to the gym since January! And I've gained 10 pounds since then and all my clothes are too tight. Some don't fir at all.
* I like my job. But I am way overqualified for it and it's mind-numbing because I started at a slow time and there's literally nothing to do. I had another job offer though- something much more prestigous and more pay- but I turned it down because I'm lazy and it just sounded like too much damn work.
*I am most likely going on what's basically a two month long business trip. DH doesn't know that I could have told them I didn't want to go (I still might have ended up going for less time, but possibly none at all.) I'm kind of looking forward to it. And I'm kind of hoping that he realizes everything I od while I'm away- he's never lived on his own so he has no idea about cooking, cleaning, dishes, garbage...I always just do it all. Maybe some time alone will show him that he should help.
- I have another one. My BF just left a while ago, after he came down to visit me all weekend. It was super sweet and he even stayed an extra day that he wasn't planning on, and we had a great time. And I want to care about what he talks about and I want to support him in his big goals. But sometimes, he just sits and talks about his band for an hour and I don't say a word and I just want to scream at him that he's in a silly band that will probably disintegrate when everyone stops living in a dream world and gets real jobs to support themselves with. He gets aggravated with one guy because the band isn't this guy's priority. Secretly, I agree with the other guy. If my BF was in this band just for fun or something, that would be one thing. But he seriously thinks that they're going to go somewhere. I dont' think they will, and it bothers me when he talks about the band all the freaking time. I feel guilty for not supporting this, since this band is one of his biggest priorities.
-I like myself better now that I've gained weight. I feel guilty for that. I was super skinny before, so I'm not exactly fat. But I feel guilty because I know that if I lost the weight I've gained, more guys would check me out at the pool or something. Sometimes I feel guilty because I worry that the BF is checking out other girls who are skinner than I am, or wishes I was skinnier myself. But actually, I like my curves and my new powerful thighs and it's a pretty weird feeling.
-- Edited by ttara123 at 18:18, 2006-08-13
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Well, it's Sunday and I need to get some work I might as well whine first, right?
1. My mother in law is coming to stay with us for a week. So I have to clean the house. She's all right, but she's totally not the kind of person that would notice a clean house or not...but I have some odd compulsion that I am a bad wife unless I clean. I might just get maids to come in.
2. I am incredibly ambivalent about my job. I hate a lot of the bull/billable hours nonsense, firm politics, but I love the paycheck. I never thought I would be one of those people who sticks it out for the money...but it's almost two years in now and I have a curious inertia about moving.
3. I have an old gym membership that I haven't cancelled, in addition to the one I do use. I need to cancel it.
4. I haven't taken a vacation since last summer (I mean like a week or longer) and I am dying, but I need to hit my billable requirement this year and I have to make sure I do it before...I want to take a trip.
5. The people at my office think I'm a compulsive shopper and spend waaaay too much on clothing - and I love the compliments...but I am positive they think I am just slaving away to buy more shoes...and they might be right.
6. I hate working on the weekends. I hate even more that I have the sort of job where weekend work is NORMAL. But, I like buying shoes :)
7. I realized that most of my pants (which I do not shorten) look stupid with anything more than a 1.5 inch heel. I have some seriously hot shoes which I can only wear with skirts, but I feel like some sort of genetic freak...or have a grossly disproportionate shape.
Here goes... - I'm also in the want-to-lose 10 pounds category. I've gained so much weight since I started college and my clothes are all too tight, so I've just been buying new ones, and then those get too tight too. Great.
- I've been making out with this extremely hot guy, and it's making my self-esteem completely awful, even though I guess it should be helping it. He's smart, and funny, and incredibly nice...and the only thing I can think about is, "why is he at all interested in me???". Especially b/c he's also 3 years older than me, and the friends I met him through told me about all these gorgeous girls who have thrown himself at him and he's never been interested.
* I'm the laziest person in the world. And I'm not kidding. I'm a housewife, yet I can't be bothered to clean our apartment.
* I'm visiting my parents in a few days and I don't particularly want to. I feel uncomfortable thinking they'll notice that I've gained weight and gotten grey hairs after I last saw them eight months ago. I don't want to see my in-laws, either, for the same reason.
ETA: Speaking of grey hairs, I've actually been plucking the most visible ones with tweezers. I can't believe I'm that desperate.
I so DESPERATELY want to meet a new guy before this party my ex will most likely be at that I have lost sight of reality. I have joined a personals site and have been looking at anything moving as a potential dating partner. I think I'm losing my mind. I just don't want to have to feel the pain of seeing him when I haven't completely moved on.
I often buy new underwear or socks because I don't feel like washing the ones I have.
I have been on Stylethread for about 3 hours straight.
After being told not to tell my friend something, I immediately went and told her. Now she's mad and confronted the other friend. If I am confronted, I plan on just freaking out and saying I want nothing to do with it. Yeah, I'm being a b*tch.