See, see! This is why I have been on these types of forums since 2000 -- the sisterhood!!! I try to tell people in my life and make them understand, but they just think its weird that I "chat" with people I don't know. Anyway, just wanted to say I love you guys too and I don't care that we've never met. I have a met a few ST'ers and I can vouch that they are quite fabulous.
Okay, so on with my confessions:
I keep picking fights with my BF this just because I'm bored and on my dot. He annoys me when he's in a great mood and hardly ever gets mad. Whereas, I got pissed off the other day when I read that Angelina Jolie is now playing Marianne Pearl in the movie about Danny Pearl's life -- a role that previously belonged to Jennifer Aniston bec. Brad Pitt's co. is producing it, and obviously, they were married at the time the movie idea was conceived. I mean, Brad and Angelina scandalously had an affair, had a baby together, and now are thinking of adopting another one, so yeah their life is perfect. Can someone please throw Jen a bone? Let her play Marianne Pearl damnit.
I said some bad things about my ex-DH's girlfriend to my daughter bec. I was tired of hearing about her and yesterday, my daughter told her everything I said about her. (backstory: they recently broke up, and when he told her to get out, she slapped/punched him, police were called, more drama ensued. our daughter was not present, thank goodness. after the drama, he told me some things -- some attitudes/behavior she had towards our daughter. thus, i will NEVER like her.) My confession is that I'm not sorry I said them. However, I am sorry I used my daughter as a confidante. That was beyond wrong and we are going to discuss it tonight. I am really more sorry that she told her though ... sort of. I think. My ex isn't even that upset about it bec. he knows she's a bitch. He's just a pansy and she probably told him they were getting back together. Stupid bitch. Oops, already said that.
I haven't worked out in 3 1/2 weeks and I feel like a little dumptruck. Thank goodness I have a BF who loves me regardless of my chunk.
I'm covering someone's desk who is on vacation and who will retire in a about a year. She has told her people that I am being groomed to take over, so I feel like this is my audition and am scared to death I'm going to f'up. The VIP I'm working for is in a client meeting, which is why I'm sitting here airing my dirty laundry. Sure feels good though.
L2S - I haven't read the issues you are having, but I'm sorry you are having any issues at all. Will send good vibes and prayers your way.
Ayo - I think all mommies/mommies-to-be have felt that way. You're just brave enough to admit it. Props to you.
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
I said some bad things about my ex-DH's girlfriend to my daughter bec. I was tired of hearing about her and yesterday, my daughter told her everything I said about her. (backstory: they recently broke up, and when he told her to get out, she slapped/punched him, police were called, more drama ensued. our daughter was not present, thank goodness. after the drama, he told me some things -- some attitudes/behavior she had towards our daughter. thus, i will NEVER like her.) My confession is that I'm not sorry I said them. However, I am sorry I used my daughter as a confidante. That was beyond wrong and we are going to discuss it tonight. I am really more sorry that she told her though ... sort of. I think. My ex isn't even that upset about it bec. he knows she's a bitch. He's just a pansy and she probably told him they were getting back together. Stupid bitch. Oops, already said that.
Girl! OMG. cracking up over here after our convo Sunday.
Mine are: *I am all kinds of pissed at my DH because I asked him to buy a GC to the restaurant he was at yesterday to give to the guy who sold us my car & he jokingly asked if I had the hots for him. I just can't let it go so I wonder - do I have the hots for him? (he's 21 & no I don't but still...)
* I spent $100 on knitting magazines & books today
* I am right with pink & L2S about the being mad at DH for the food situation. We got a gas grill & now he thinks he's cooking. Nevermind that I have to plan the meal, purchase it at the store, marinate it, cook sides, clean up, refrigerate leftovers. How is that his cooking so I have the night off again??? This has SERIOUSLY been bugging me & I won't say a word to him so I don't know what I'm bitching about. But I often wonder how nice it would be to be the "man" & go to work everyday & never worry about laundry, clean toilets, & dinner.
* with the London bombing thing today, the thing I'm most concerned about is that I am flying in 2 weeks & how much it will inconvenience me when I travel. Yikes that sounds awful to admit, but it's true.
Kitty - your parking spot thing cracked me up - like a lot! Elle - stickers suck, man, that's a legitimate gripe!
-- Edited by laken1 at 18:18, 2006-08-10
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I just want to say that you girls always make me feel better.
Also, I'm so happy that my co-worker is being 'forced' to do music research on Aly & A.J. (for those who don't know they're Disney Channel stars who do pop-rock). He and my boss are both cringing because all they listen to is indie rock (which is fine and all but I like variety) but I am in heaven.
I am so overworked and underpaid. Really. I've done the research. And they keep piling more and more on me, which is fine b/c I like what I'm doing, but I'm seriously one person. I need an assistant. I'm tired of doing both management type work and my own admin work and everything in between.
I need to get off my ass and start exercising. But I've been finding every excuse in the book not to--- I'll do it when I buy cute, new shoes. But I need new workout clothes. It's too hot out--- ARGH! I'm so unmotivated. Maybe I should walk around for a day in a pair of pants that's way too tight (but used to fit). Maybe that will motivate my fat ass to come home and work out instead of eating icecream for dinner.
I'm seriously ready to scream with my current on-again-off-again dating situation (yep, same guy--it's been going on for the 8 months now). It's ridiculous. Someone needs to do SOMETHING and stop acting like a moron. Uh, that goes for both of us. We're both morons. He is more so than me, simply by default b/c he's a guy and all. But whatever, we're both being idiots about the situation.
I hate my closet. I hate it. And the feeling is mutual. It taunts me b/c it knows I can't fit into 60% of it's contents. I hate getting dressed in the morning. Some days I'd rather just work from home so I don't have to deal with the challenge of dressing my sausage-like ass.
Um, I think that's it. I'm really not as bitter irl as I sounded just then. Apparently, I needed to vent.
am tired of people asking me when i am getting engaged. yes. we have been dating for 4 years and yes we are taking a lovely trip to europe in a few weeks and yes europe is romantic and yes it could happen there but i'm not counting on it b/c BF sucks at saving $$$ and he wants to buy a ridiculously expensive ring (not that i mind) but i don't want to enter the poor house as soon as we're married just b/c he wanted to spend so much on a ring
which brings me to the fact that i am absolutely TERRIFIED of being married. oh the wedding i dream about and can execute in my dreams at night. the actuality of being married scares me sh*tless. and i don't know if i wanna...
i stress myself out about being the perfect employee so much that i have had one of the following issues in the last 6 months 1) lactose intolerant 2) migraines 3) prone to acid reflux what the heck is wrong with me?
i never clean my house. ever. and i don't know if the boyfriend does. i think his mother secretly sneaks into our apt. and cleans for us. i travel approx. 20 nights per month and i DONT HAVE THE ENERGY to clean when i get home. grrr
my goal was to pay off my debt this year. so far i've managed to stay right about the same even though i have bought less this year... what the heck is the problem?
My back hurts today. It hurts bad, but not so bad that I couldn't have stayed at work, but I just didn't want to, so I went home, laid on the couch, played around online and watched the Food Network.
ETA: For dinner I had two Manwich sloppy Joes and a beer. Nothing green whatsoever. And I'm constantly wondering why I can't lose some weight. Sheesh!
You are all totally cracking me up. Elle, your post was a riot. You remind me of my best friend.
So this is kind of a long one, but I've been thinking about it lately:
I've turned into kind of a materialistic and image-conscious person. Not that I judge other people's on theirs, but I just think I devote way too much time and money to my own image and to thinking about how other people will view me--definitely too much money. It's so narcissistic, but I can't seem to stop. A few years ago I took this great solo road trip around the Southwest--it was fun, inspiring, and added to my intellectual/cultural richness as a human being. It probably cost me about $2000 all told. Somehow, for the past two years, instead of traveling, I've taken to spending over $2000 a year on clothes. CLOTHES! Which are fun, but ultimately really nothing. But I seem to be completely in the thrall of this vision of how I will look to others in my new clothes, that I will look like this pretty, polished, stylish, creative-looking person and that it will somehow make my life better. And the thing that is both bad and good is that I get lots of positive reinforcement for this! From ST girls, from my friends, my coworkers, etc... it's like I'm addicted to compliments. I get such satisfaction from knowing that other people DO think I'm pretty, polished, stylish, etc. Because it DOES feel good--but ultimately it's nothing! Am I making any sense? I just wish I didn't pay so much attention to it... and waste so much money on it instead of doing stuff like traveling.
My dh and I had ANOTHER fight about him not doing ANYTHING with the kids. I run them everywhere, I get them ready (a huge ordeal) for their day, take them to the sitter's (about 25 minutes out of the way), and pick them up from the sitter's EVERYDAY! All he has to do is get himself ready and go to work. All the while he keeps pushing it in my face that I only work PART-TIME, which I don't, I work FLEXTIME (which is basically full-time with flexible hours). Doesn't it count that I do EVERYTHING with the kids too???? He NEVER gives them a bath, never fixes them dinner, and NEVER cleans up after dinner. And of course, the kids always just want me so even when he's around they only want me anyway. I do the grocery shopping, the laundry and the errand running too.
On Monday, I was invited to one of those home jewelry parties. Normally I don't "do" those kinds of parties but I wanted to have a night off so I went. When I came home, the house was a MESS, the dishes weren't done and my two year-old was still awake watching Barney while my husband was ASLEEP (yeah I have an older son but it is not his responsibilty to take care of my 2 year-old). It isn't even WORTH going out.
All of this makes me bitter toward him and my kids. I hate that he acts this way.
Oh Girls, This makes me feel sane that I am not alone. Ok my confessions -
1.) I dont want a baby. My DH has wanted us to have kids for years and I am not interested. I dont know how to tell him.
2.) My sister is getting married and I am not the maid of honor. (she was mine) and last few days I cried myself to sleep about it because my feelings are hurt. I wont tell her though, because it is her day and it isnt about me.
3.) My BFF annoys the hell out of me. She is selfish , and thinks she knows everything. Sometimes when she invites me to do things, I make up excuses why I cant go bec I am so sick of her.
4.) I am so damn tired all the time. I get so angry that my DH doesnt help me enough. I run 2 business, I work 6 days a week 12 hour days, I do the laundry the grocery shopping , the cooking etc. Sometimes I feel like I just cant relax.
5.) I let my dog sleep in my bed all week while my DH was out of town.
Lilykind My apartment is a mess. I have not wiped the bathroom or the kitchen floor in a month.
Amen to dirty houses, now I dont feel so bad b/c mine is the same way. I hate living with two guys. My son won't aim right or he leaves the seat up and I fall in in the middle of the night. When my DH shaves he leaves hair all the the sink arrh I want my bathroom
I have not work out in a year and half and I have gained some weight and my clothes are to tight in the gut area. I keep telling myself Iam going to rejoin the Ymca but I dont want to pay that damn joining fee of 50.00
Still having hubby issues it has gotten a little better but still needs work he started smoking again/he says it was stress when we had our short time apart. Well I told him iam not supporting this habit b/c I did not figure these in when I cut back on alot of expenses
Sometimes I wish I worked in a office setting so I could dress up more, Iam tired of jeans/shorts t-shirts.
You are all totally cracking me up. Elle, your post was a riot. You remind me of my best friend.
So this is kind of a long one, but I've been thinking about it lately:
I've turned into kind of a materialistic and image-conscious person. Not that I judge other people's on theirs, but I just think I devote way too much time and money to my own image and to thinking about how other people will view me--definitely too much money. It's so narcissistic, but I can't seem to stop. A few years ago I took this great solo road trip around the Southwest--it was fun, inspiring, and added to my intellectual/cultural richness as a human being. It probably cost me about $2000 all told. Somehow, for the past two years, instead of traveling, I've taken to spending over $2000 a year on clothes. CLOTHES! Which are fun, but ultimately really nothing. But I seem to be completely in the thrall of this vision of how I will look to others in my new clothes, that I will look like this pretty, polished, stylish, creative-looking person and that it will somehow make my life better. And the thing that is both bad and good is that I get lots of positive reinforcement for this! From ST girls, from my friends, my coworkers, etc... it's like I'm addicted to compliments. I get such satisfaction from knowing that other people DO think I'm pretty, polished, stylish, etc. Because it DOES feel good--but ultimately it's nothing! Am I making any sense? I just wish I didn't pay so much attention to it... and waste so much money on it instead of doing stuff like traveling.
I can relate. Whenever a stranger compliments me on something I'm wearing, it will make my whole day. I've got a horrible job, a terrible living situation, debt coming out of my ears, but people think my shoes are pretty! So sad. By the way, I did that astrology personal portrait that D posted, and it said I was an escapist who can barely deal with reality, over-indulgent, and that I like to surround myself with beautiful objects. Oh, and it said that I have my own set of morals and I expect people to accept it. This is all true and I'm somewhat scared I'll die alone because of my skewed outlook, and penniless because I lack self-control.
I drop my kids off early at daycare just so I can go home and do nothing. And I have them stay until shorty before closing time even though I could have picked them up earlier just so I can have some more alone time. I feel so guilty about that!
I keep using my credit cards for things that I could live without. I've got most of them nearly maxed out and am only paying the minimum payment.
Oh I needed one of these or a pity party. I've been in such a horrible mood lately I just don't know what to do with myself.
1. I'm homesick. After a year of living away from home full time I am now becoming homesick and I want to go home. But I know once I go back to visit I'll want to leave and move away after a day.
2. I can't stop shopping/spending money. Doesn't matter if I'm buying clothes at Nordies or groceries at walmart. I just overspend and am slowly eating away at what I worked so hard to save over the years. I just can't get it together
3. My bf is having a work crisis and I really don't give a damn. Horrible I know but I am silently having my own mini-meltdown and could care less about his problem even though its bigger/worse. I think its because in March the roles were reversed and I could sense he didn't really care about my major melt-down during his mini-meltdown. Not his fault though.
4. I secretly wish the bf would move out for a week or two so I can have some me time and not feel bad about watching my type movies or playing on the internet. Plus with the bad moods we are both in we haven't really talked in a few weeks about anything but work if we talk at all and lately I feel out of touch with him because of that.
5. I'm unhappy at work right now. Mainly because I hate my coworker who drags me back to jr. high sometimes. This morning it was because I brought breakfast for the client (thus getting amex pts - a whopping 80pts) so she barely spoke to me and wouldn't help deliver them. Then its if its not assigned to her she won't touch it because its not her "job" yet or its too hard/complicated for her to try and figure out. So then I pick up the slack and get drug into a million things at work. Well tonight I've decided I've had it and I'm not helping her out any more. It just sucks because I do more than her and work on harder things than her but our evaluations are the same. Plus she was the intern on the client 2 years ago so when next year rolls around and our boss has to decide who to keep I have a feeling it will be the incompetent coworker and not me. But whatever. They know who does what and who does nothing but easy stuff - Karma sucks.
* Tuesday was my birthday and even though on the surface it was a good day, it really sucked as far as birthdays go. No one got me any presents or cards or anything (well my hubby got me a card while we were at Walmart on Monday night, like 15 minutes before my b-day while I was shopping with him!). No one had anyone sing to me at the restaurant or even mention it to the waiter. We went to a nice restaurant and took a walk on the river walk, but only because I planned it, if I hadn't planned it I'm pretty sure nothing would have happened. And this makes me sad because I make a huge deal out of everyone else's b-day and I let everyone know how excited I was that my b-day was coming. And I really could have used a day where I felt special with everything that has happened recently. It's not even about gifts or anything, it's about the thought. It's just frustrating that I put some much thought and effort into others and feel like I don't get it in return. And then on top of this, I feel selfish for feeling this way!
* I met my mom's new boyfriend tonight and I really wasn't impressed. I am so worried that she is rushing into this relationship because she's lonely and because of this she's not seeing things clearly. She hasn't asked me what I thought yet, but I think it's because she knows and I'm not looking forward to that conversation. I really want her to be happy, but I also want him to just go away. And another part of me just wants things to stay the way they are. Oh, and he has a three yr old son and he has spent the night with my mom and comes home with her and she's always talking about him and how cute he is and what she does with him and it just really upsets me. I'm not sure if this is because I want her to be doing this with a grandchild that I've yet to have or if it's about her being my mom and feeling like she's trying to be a mom to him or what? And I also feel like all of this is too soon, they've only been dating for 4 months and his kids are already staying at her house!?! It's like insta-family. And it makes me sad that I live so far away... which leads me to my next one...
* I kind of think I wanna move back to Ohio. But I also think that I'm too emotional right now to really know if that's what I really want. And I'm pretty sure that my husband doesn't want to. But I also love my home in AR and just feel really torn.
Wow, I guess I didn't realize how much I really needed to vent. Well I guess it doesn't help that it's that time of month, which is also just another reminder that I'm not pregnant anymore. Thanks to all you girls for being there. I agree that it rocks that we have this online sisterhood
*I really want to lose 10-15 lbs. If you saw me in person, you'd think this was ridiculous. I'm slender- but i feel like I have a layer of fat over everything and I want my clothes to fit me better. I like my body how it is- but I am sick of my clothes fitting too tight, and sometimes working around "fashion people" brainwashes you into wanting to be sample size. I know why they all get eating disorders- and i hate the way nicole ritchie looks for example- but it doesn't stop me from thinking i'd look better. I don't think of this too much though.
*I don't make enough money. MEH. I just want to make more- I do a lot and I'm their only employee. I feel like I can't really spend money even though I do- it just goes so fast. I always save a little though each month still though, so I'm thankful I'm not using my savings or going into debt.
*I think about starting my own business constantly- i probably will in the next few years but part of me just wants to do it now. I think its because i want schedule flexibility more than anything. I get a lot of vacation time but it bums me out that i'll probably never be able to go backpacking around europe for a couple of months, for example, unless i'm between jobs or work for myself. I want to be able to do this- I feel like I missed out when I didn't study abroad and it bothers me constantly.
* I don't know what to do about my boy situation. I miss the exbf and secretly think he has all the great qualities that anyone would want BUT i don't really feel like going back, just because I remember how sad I was in the relationship. Its not helping though that we're getting along better than ever now that the pressures off and I know he still likes me. I also miss my bf across the country (not actually my bf) but it bums me out that I don't get the chance to really know him and part of me wonders if we're even right for each other. And sometimes I just want to meet cute boys and go out with them (where are they?), but I always feel mentally tied down and it sucks at times. I'm loyal even to someone who is just a crush.
*I love this city, I hate this city. Its always so back and forth- I could write a book about this. I think so many people feel this way, thats why no one can really *quite* leave NYC. I secretly want to live at the beach or somewhere beautiful though and just live off nature and around people I love. I just don't know if anyone shares this dream with me. And I know i'm kind of a city girl- i am not a mall person for example.
*my job/nyc/growing up has made me not like most clothes. i guess thats good though! but its also made me not like my old clothes- everything I wear it seems like i bought this year. I need to go through my closet majorly.
*i think i'm not super materialistic- i'm getting sick of blatant consumerism, quantity over quality, keeping up with the joneses- but when i think of what i want- a certain quality of life- nice apt in park slope/carroll gardens or west village, maybe a vacation place in the mtns or at the beach, traveling the world, decorating my house with random strange things i find around the world, not having a ton of clothes but beautiful hand selected pieces that really speak to me, drinking wine with friends and eating well....I realize I have to be, um, a millionaire.
*Terrorism scares me a lot- i hate that we have to be so vigilant because such major things are being plotted against us- espec in the cities i live in (dc, nyc.) I also dont like the way america gives reasons for other countries to hate us. I am getting sick of party politics and I wish it wasn't always so divided- for this country or against. why can't a lot of politicians see both sides of the story?
lynnie, I share your dream with you!!! My dream is to live in a big log cabin with my whole family on a big lake somewhere and just lay in the sun all day and fish and boat and not have to deal with or try to raise kids in the disgusting, oversexed, underpayed, overworked world we live in. That is my dream.
After I pay rent, I will not have a dime in my bank account. My mom is going to give me a bit of money so I can at least buy groceries til payday.
I stole a roll of toilet paper from work. Ok, I am poor this week but this is not why (I do have change lying around to buy TP!)...I was too lazy to go to the store after work, so I just took it!
One of my college friends will be in town next weekend and asked if she could stay with me. Normally, I would be very excited about this, but I am just so down right now I don't want to. I haven't even gotten back to her about it yet and I feel really bad because up until now I have been telling her she needs to come visit me in Chicago.