how on earth could someone sleep through a tattoo? at least it was a cool one, I like the federal stars or whatever those are called. I would be pissed if someone did it against my will, though! would you guys just break up with him and not press charges? it all seems weird to me...
Woman Wakes Up, Finds Tattoo on Ankle By Associated Press
document.write(getElapsed("20060808T235230Z")); Tue Aug 8, 7:52 PMUPDATED 1 DAY 11 HOURS 10 MINUTES AGO
DES MOINES, Iowa - Hillary Snyder said she isn't going to let her boyfriend's antics get under her skin. Snyder, 20, awoke recently to find she had been tattooed by her boyfriend while she slept.
She said she took a painkiller with a sleeping pill before she went to bed Saturday night. When she awoke, she discovered a tattoo of a five-pointed star on her right ankle.
Snyder said she had previously told her boyfriend she didn't want a tattoo. He wanted her to get a tattoo of a five-pointed start to match one of his own, she said.
"At least he didn't flub it up," she said
The boyfriend wasn't identified. No arrests had been made. The investigation was continuing.
A police report accuses the now-former boyfriend of domestic assault. But Snyder isn't so sure.
"I mean it's not like he beat me up. There were no bruises or blood or anything. I'm just not going to see him again."
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
wow. thats crazy. i would definitely break up with him. it would be different if she said she wanted one and he did it to surprise her, but to do it after she said she didn't want it, thats wrong. unless she gets it removed, she is going to see that for the rest of her life and think of him. at least its a good story if anyone ever asks about her tatoo. im not sure if i would press charges, depends on how much i hated the tatoo.
That sounds HORRIBLE. I can't believe she isn't pressing charges. I personally would be so pissed bc I don't want a tattoo either (too permanent for my fickle personality) and to wake up with one?!! I think that the bf needs to learn about respect and so should get some kind of punishment.
I'd sue his ass to pay for the removal and to teach him a little about respect for women. It seems like he used the tattoo to mark her as his property or something and yeah, that's just not really okay in my book.
Oh, and PS--I have a tattoo on my foot and it hurt like a bitch. I can't imagine what on earth she was doped up on that allowed her to sleep through that! Weird.
Er...was the sleeping pill at the bottom of a tequila bottle?!
I'd definitely break up with someone who did this. I never want to have a tattoo, and from what I hear, the removal process (should she opt for that) is more expensive and/or painful than having a tattoo put on.
What a Bastard.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I'd sue his ass to pay for the removal and to teach him a little about respect for women. It seems like he used the tattoo to mark her as his property or something and yeah, that's just not really okay in my book.
-- Edited by NCshopper at 13:51, 2006-08-10
exactly my thoughts.
although, just to play devil's advocate: I wonder if she really said she never ever wanted one, or if she actually expressed interest in the idea but didn't want to because of pain reasons (in which case maybe he saw the opportunity and thought he was doing her a favor). OK, so probably not and wouldn'tmake him an less of an ass but it's a possibility...