My reunion is coming up. I have been stressing out about what to wear for months...and then i got the is a lunch/picnic type event at my hometown's local lake!!! On labor day is going to be so hot! I am from a small town in Oklahoma, this is going to be the most hillbilly event i've ever been to. But, regardless, I have to look great.
I was thinking about shorts with wedge sandals...perhaps something like this...
Some friends say I should wear a cute but casual dress...
I am all for the cute sundress idea but that's probably because I hate wearing pants/shorts when it's over 90 degrees and humid you have a price limit/range?
At a lake on Labor Day? Who's idea was that?!! Everybody and their dog is going to be at that lake if it's not restricted and it will be difficult to tell who's there for the reunion!
The outfit ideas posted are really cute. Sundress or blouse and shorts are in order!
I love the idea of Jen's outfit! It would looks so effortlessly chic just like Elle said. I really, really like this idea. It might be cute with a black top, white shorts and some gold shoes and a straw clutch?
Thanks ladies for all of your imput. I think I will go with the shorts outfit. I am not too comfy in dresses...just never have been. AND...if I know this crowd...I will still be overdressed!
Kari wrote: I think I will go with the shorts outfit. I am not too comfy in dresses...just never have been. Definitely go with the shorts then. You don't want to feel uncomfortable.