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Marc Jacobs

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Customer Service
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Ok how important is customer service to you when you shop?

Ex: Yesterday I went to express to pick up these tanks I love to work out in. While I was there I saw a cute pair of straight leg black jeans , and thought - "sure I will try these on". ( I dont normally shop much at other stores, since my own stores have pretty much everything I need)
So I walk around WAITING for one of the 4 salespeople who are talking to notice me and get me a room. I REFUSE to go up to them. Afterall , in my opinion that is there job. So after walking around for 15 min, and still being ignored while the 4 girls talked about there boyfriends, I left. I will not buy something from a store where I am ignored.

Anywho it got me thinking how much I personally value customer service (not the pushy kind) and how I am so glad I make sure it is a priority in my own stores.

So does anyone else here, deciede not to buy when being ignored???

xoxo gossip girl!


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I expect good customer service. The worst experiences for me is when sales associates act stuck-up and ignore you or treat you shitty cause they don't think you'll spend money. It's amazing the difference in treatment if you go to the mall totally dressed up as opposed to in jeans and a hoodie or something.


Kate Spade

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If I get ignored in a store like Express, it doesn't really phase me because I'm used to it.  I guess my expectations aren't that high.  But if I'm in a nicer store, I don't like it when I'm carrying around a lot of items and no one offers to get a room started for me.  At that point, I'll just walk up to someone and ask to be let in a room.  And if no one helps me, I always make sure to tell the person ringing me up when they ask me if anyone helped. 




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I hate when that happens.  I know a lot of girls here hate Express because of their crappy customer service, but i swear the ones I shop at, the SA's couldn't be any nicer and helpful to me.  Sorry you had to go through that.

I have definitely experienced what you are talking about though, and I've actually put clothes down in a store because of their crappy attitudes/behavior, and walked out.  I hate feeling like you are interrupting their conversations when they are supposed to be working and helping you!


Dooney & Bourke

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My reaction to people like that is that i end up getting very vengeful and like to piss them off.  I will actually ask for a room in a very snotty matter and then make them run around trying to find me a top for my jeans or a jeans for my top, bring back other sizes and colors, etc. 

Then I LEAVE! LOL! Without buying anything. 




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I don't buy when

* I'm treated like I'm 14. SAs usually don't give me good customer service (no matter what I'm wearing) becuase they think I'm still in high school and can't afford anythingb. I'm 21 and I have a full time accounting's not like I'm in the poorhouse! I will no longer shop at Banana for this reason. I've been in Ann Taylor and they generally are very good with customer service to me.

* I'm not given any treatment at all (like your situation). Express is the worst about this.

With boutiques, I remember especially well who has good service and who doesn't. I think I have much higher expectations at a boutique. There are some boutiques with STELLAR service. Hillary Rush, Milk and Yellow, all in West Hollywood come immediately to mind. There are other boutiques with shitty service (Ron Herman in Beverly Hills) and I make a point not to shop at them unless absolutely neccessary.

Oh, I also hate that I get treated badly because I wear flip flops and jeans with my Juicy hoodies half the time. Now why would I want to wear a nice outfit if I have to take it off to try twenty different things in the dressing room at ten different stores on any given day?

-- Edited by Lilykind at 13:29, 2006-08-09



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My DH always says shopping is like an experience for me. If anything turns me off I leave. Music being too loud, service being rude or too pushy will send me running. I had a women at BR once comment to me about not being sure if they had something in " my size" while looking me up and down. Mind you I'm a size 8, so totally average. I dropped a handful of clothes at her feet and walked out. To me CS is just as important as what designers they carry.

I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it. Carrie Bradshaw


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It's so important. There's nothing worse than holding a stack of clothes in your arms and no one asks if they can start a dressing room.

On the other hand, I also hate when salespeople are overly aggressive, follow me around, stand by the dressing room when I try on stuff (if the mirror is outside) etc. It makes me uncomfortable and I just want to leave...



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I think customer service is really important, and it also pisses me off when I get ignored- especially if I"m not totally dressed up. I've popped into stores on a whim after I've finished errands or something, which means I'm not totally dressed up because I"m running errands (but not horrible looking either) and it's so irritating when the SA's barely acknowledge you...and then other times when I am dressed better they are all over you- my bank account hasn't magically increased because I'm wearing make-up!

I know appearance matters but I guess what I"m trying to say is that everyone deserves to be treated well no matter what- and the places that do treat their customers well are the ones I keep supporting the most.




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twinkle wrote:

On the other hand, I also hate when salespeople are overly aggressive, follow me around, stand by the dressing room when I try on stuff (if the mirror is outside) etc. It makes me uncomfortable and I just want to leave...

I think I get more upset by pushy people than ones who ignore me. Usually it's when SAs get a commision off of the sales they make. Nordstrom SAs usually drive me bananas because they're hanging over you like a hawk. You know they're not doing it b/c they believe in great CS, it's because they want their cut.

Veni, Vedi, Visa. I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.

Dooney & Bourke

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twinkle wrote:

There's nothing worse than holding a stack of clothes in your arms and no one asks if they can start a dressing room.

On the other hand, I also hate when salespeople are overly aggressive, follow me around, stand by the dressing room when I try on stuff

Ditto, to a T.  I feel like I am so accustomed to people NOT being pleasant that I have just not thought about it and so it doesn't affect my shopping too much. 

Collette, that is a horrible thing to have to go through.  I can't believe that she would have the audacity to say something like that. 



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zeitgeist4 wrote:

  Nordstrom SAs usually drive me bananas because they're hanging over you like a hawk. You know they're not doing it b/c they believe in great CS, it's because they want their cut.

I agree that some of them are like that, but some of them are doing a damn good job concealing that. I have had some of the most amazing CS at Nordies where the SAs were genuinely honest and very helpful.


Kate Spade

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i am all about good customer service, but i am also very picky about it.  i hate being greated when i walk into the store, and i don't like it when they come up and ask if they can help me, unless i have an arm full of clothes.  then i want them to come and take my clothes to a fitting room for me.  i hate being hounded.  i don't really like being talked to at all.  but i don't like being completely ignored either.  as long as i can look at a sales girl and smile and she just smiles back as acknowlegment(sp?) that i am there, i am happy.  i also have no problem walking up to someone when i want something, which is probably why i don't mind if they don't come up to me.  i would rather have to go walk up to someone and say hey this is what i want do you have it, or here is my stuff, i need a fitting room than have them come to me with the fake nice high pitched voice that every sales girl allways seems to have and do the tilt the head to one side, "UUUUMMMM???"



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The only time I get annoyed at pushy/overly-aggressive sales ladies is when they try to get me to try stuff on while I'm in the dressing room. LOOK, if I WANTED to try that on I would have picked it up.



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I am totally satisfied to be completely left alone when I shop.  As long as an SA is manning the dressing rooms to let me in when I'm ready, I'm golden.  I hate being followed and constantly asked if I need help.

However, if I'm at a nicer-ish place where they do usually have SAs on the floor supposed to be making the rounds and I get ignored, that's not cool.  I'm not a dressed-up kind of shopper - usually I wear a white tee, jeans, flips/clogs, and a hoodie for the same reasons as Lilykind.  I'm also usually a marathon-style shopper (go for an entire day), so I think the casual dress + wearing flats + being short + disheveled-from-all-day-shopping makes me look very young, which as we all know doesn't improve service any.

In some stores I've taken to picking up a couple expensive-ish items as soon as I walk in the door, whether or not I intend to even try them on.  I'm almost exclusively a sale/clearance kind of shopper, but throwing just those couple items in the mixed keeps me from being pegged as one, because clearance shoppers don't get good service evah!

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}


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I think that in mall stores, I don't expect someone to come up to me and ask if I need help. I don't have a problem walking up to them and asking. I mean, sometimes the reason I go to the mall is because I feel like being a recluse and being able to just walk around and go through a store in 30 seconds - which I do a lot. If someone tries to help me, I feel trapped when all I really wanted to do was take a quick look. However, I don't care either way if they greet me at the door. I generally want someone to ask if I want help only once. That way, if I actually do have an idea of what I want, I can get help. But if I say no, and keep being asked, it really gets on my nerves.

If I go to a boutique, though, I do expect a little more personal service. I expect them to say hi and ask if I need anything, but again I don't want them to be too pushy because sometimes I just walk in off the street because I'm curious, not because I have anything specific in mind. I hate it when I say "no, I'm just looking" and they continue to follow me around and try to help. I usually just leave. Also, a lot of times I'll go into a store to try to pick out an outfit, or try to find the best top to go with a skirt I have at home, etc. So when SAs ask if I want them to start me a room, sometimes I say "no, I'll just hold onto these" because I want to compare things, match things, etc. They always look at me like I have three heads - as if there is no reason on earth I wouldn't want a room started for me.

Basically, I just want people who I know will be help me if I need it, but not be pushy if I indicate that I don't want any help. I need to feel comfortable approaching salespeople. Also, being snotty really turns me off. Like everyone else said, sometimes I'm just in a tank and jeans. That doesn't mean I don't look cute at any other moments in my life, but some SAs really act as if I couldn't possibly belong shopping at their store just because I'm not completely done up at that moment. Also, I would leave a store because of aggressive salespeople before I would leave it because of unhelpful ones.

-- Edited by ttara123 at 14:53, 2006-08-09


Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123

Marc Jacobs

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Elle wrote:

I am totally satisfied to be completely left alone when I shop.  As long as an SA is manning the dressing rooms to let me in when I'm ready, I'm golden.  I hate being followed and constantly asked if I need help.

I agree with Elle. I would rather be left alone when I shop. I'm not saying I like being ignored (a hi is usually nice) but I hate when they hound you and stand over you while you try and make decisions.

I swear I hardly ever have good experiences with customer service. Yesterday I went to look at mascara at the SA's were terrible. They looked at me like I was a thief when I took a free foundation sample, but then when I wanted to look at mascara, they never offered to let me even try it on! They instead stood there chatting to each other.

-- Edited by wetbandit42 at 16:20, 2006-08-09

Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus


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At mall stores (like Express), I prefer to have my presence acknowledged, but then be left alone.  That's just what I would prefer.  I can't stand being ignored though.  I want to be welcomed to the store at least.  I have walked out of Express because my presence has not been acknowleged as well.  Not that the SA's are busy, they just can't be bothered in our store.  Just say "hi"!  Is it that hard?



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Oh! I'm a HUGE fan of customer service, and usually, after being in a store for 5 min., and I'm not acknowledged, I'll leave. I have SEEN sales associate see me walk in, and they won't even greet me, so I'll walk around, hear another person come in, and they'll speak. What am I, chopped liver? I also like to not be bothered, a pushy sales associate is about as bad as one who ignores you, so I guess you have to find that balance.

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For the most part, I like to be left alone when I'm shopping unless I have a specific question or need a fitting room, in which case I want to easily be able to find a salesperson to help me. I have no problem with having to get their attention -- I'd rather that than to have them hovering over me. I really don't care if someone greets me at the door or not. I do agree with ttara123 that I expect a little more service in boutiques, but again, I still like my space. Basically, if I have a question or need something, I'll approach them!

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