My uncle passed away last weekend and we are doing a memorial service for him. My grandmother asked me to speak during this (she had asked a few other people to speak but they didn't feel comfortable doing so). I think she is afraid no one will speak, so she asked me.
I am not a very good public speaker and I didn't know my uncle all that well. My main memories of him are regarding financial advice, political advice, etc. He always told me the only way to make money was to own your own business. I also remember him talking about buying satellite radio stock about five years ago (before I had even heard of XM radio or Cirous). He has three children from 11 -15 and is divorced. I'm clueless about what I should talk about - my memories of him giving me financial advice, etc. or talk about his children, etc?
I did this for my grandma's husband last year. We weren't especially close, but she wanted me to speak (I hate public speaking, too). I just called a bunch of people in the family, including my grandma, and asked them to share their favorite memories of him. Then I just typed them up. I still have it on my computer if you want me to email it to you. I just read from the printout during the service (there was a podium) and tried not to look directly at anyone when I was speaking, and that helped ease my nervousness.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde