itsapinkthing wrote: How old is that dress, because now I think I HAVE to have it?!!! Any way you can help me track down another one?
It's been out for about a month now, I think....As far as tracking it down, I wasn't having any luck until the girl PM'ed me and asked if I wanted hers..
I know some stores still have it though, so maybe check if you're near one? I could probably get the SKU for you
That dress is too darned cute. I am now on a mission. Does anyone have the SKU?
I went to the Forever 21 near my house and it was a mess. There were about 12 racks of clothes crammed by the escalators that needed to be put back on the sales floor. There were clothes on the floor. I couldn't get to the racks. I found a dress I sort of liked and after waiting in line, I learned they system was down and not taking credit cards so I had to go outside and get cash from an ATM. I got the cash and decided to just go home.
shopgirl wrote: That dress is too darned cute. I am now on a mission. Does anyone have the SKU? I went to the Forever 21 near my house and it was a mess. There were about 12 racks of clothes crammed by the escalators that needed to be put back on the sales floor. There were clothes on the floor. I couldn't get to the racks. I found a dress I sort of liked and after waiting in line, I learned they system was down and not taking credit cards so I had to go outside and get cash from an ATM. I got the cash and decided to just go home. I'll check two more stores today. Deborah
Here's what someone sent me about the price tag:
under the barcode: 298580 92014 KNEE LENGTH DRES/S WHITE - D0019 at the top of the tag are 2 sets of numbers: 29858092 and 29858092014
I am now the proud owner of the F21 dress in blue. It took about 45 minutes of calls and an hour of searching the racks, but i got it. I can't wait to wear it. It is a bit shorter than I thought, but leggings will resolve that issue. deborah