Why you ask? Why is Leah_Leanna awake at 4am when she has an autistic toddler who will rise at 5:45 am on the dot?
Because she lives in townhouse apartment in a complex with a pool that just happens to be right outside her back patio~because a##$*&^% have been breaking into it at all hours of night all summer long and getting nice and rowdy~ and the sound goes straight through her bedroom window.
And yes...I already expressed my 'concern' over this last summer, and the summer before and oh yeah, at the beginning of this one.
Tonight I was polite enough to go downstairs, unlock my back door and the patio and walk out to the wall of the pool in my negligee and say to the three rowdy men "gentlemen, if you must break into the pool at 3am have some common courtesy for those sleeping and be quiet about it". One, only one apologized and as soon as I went back in they started up again.
Tomorrow night I program the police onto my speedial.
the next time, call the police and don't warn them. sorry you have to deal with this - I have too in the past, and it's a huge pain. what I did is as soon as I was awoken I would automatically call the police. don't worry, they won't know who called them. eventually, they'll get sick of the police visiting them and it will stop.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase