Hey everyone! I could use some help! I own a womens clothing boutique (trendy mix of casual and weekend and work wear) and I do personal shopping / stylist work for about 30 out of state customers. Our clothing store has been such a huge sucess we are opening another location. I find that where my business is growing the most though is the devoted following of women who call me to shop for them. (Both for events & on a regular basis.) I dont advertise for this service, all our of customers have been thru word of mouth. I LOVE doing this for people and thought I would like to offer this service to more customers, but I am not sure how to go about it? Does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts??
P.S The service is Free, We Dont charge shipping, and we have a great return policy. I think these are great features, and I want to include them when advertising.
I would also like to target women who are 20- 40 yrs old , who spend approx $500 + a month on clothing, shoes accesories. I have over 70+ vendors in my store, most of them well known or indy designers.
I would probably start by offering some sort of promotional discount to get people to try out your services/store. If you have great customer service, return policy, etc. that will keep people coming back and perpetuate the word of mouth.
You could design postcards/flyers/coupons and then purchase rental lists based on the info you just told me - you'll just need to contact list brokers and work with them on quantities and figures.
you could also do email rental lists, but those are typically more expensive.
A store I use to go to frequently offered similar services. They had a book at the front of the store to sign up to be on the mailing list/email list. They sent out flyers telling about the services and offering discounts. Also they had parties at night where there would be food and wine and people would bring friends and then find out about all of the services the store offered.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Hey I just wanted to thank everyone for there ideas and give you an update!
I found some great places to advertise, and I have been so swamped with just our stylist services that I have had to hire extra sales people just to get everything packaged and shipped.
I really appericiate all your suggestions.. thanks again!