OK! This is the first cylce that Gary and I have been trying to conceive. So...
Today is the 5th day before aunt flow is expected. I bought a FR Early Pregnancy Test and there is a really faint, but noticeable second line. My question is should I go and get another test to be sure or wait until tomorrow to test again and maybe get a darker line. Ack! My head is about to explode!!!
Irene please excuse me I'm a little dumb when it comes to these kinds of things.If it's 5 days before do you wait and see if you get your period?
My boss is trying to concieve and she was trying to explain those early tests and so on.But I couldn't figure out why she wouldn't wait til the day she should come on her period- hopefully not.
Either way I guess I'm clueless about if you should take another test.Good luck though to you and Gary!
Oh, Sorry Carmen, I guess I should have explained. The PG test I have will give you accurate results at 5 or less days before your period. So today was the first day I could take the test.
I would at least wait until tomorrow. It is best to test first thing in the morning when the hcg's will be the heaviest in your urine. Or even better wait a few more days. Good luck!
Okay, you can't necessarily go by the 'Results 5 days before your missed period'. That statement assumes that you have a 28 day cycle and ovulate on day 14, which most people do not. Many people can get positives as early as 8 or 9 days past ovulation (which would be 5-6 days before a missed period in a 28 day cycler), though some don't see a line until 18 days past.
That said, when talking pregnancy tests, a line is a line - a sencond line no matter the faintness means pregnant. However, PG tests can be tricky little bitches. Check this site - it has the rundown on the accuracy of different brands, how bad some brands evaporations lines are, and if they've given false positives or false negatives in the past. It has test pictures and all:
That said, I'd pick another brand that looks reliable off the list on that website and test again tomorrow and possibly the next day first thing in the morning. If you get similar, there-but-faint results, you are PREGNANT. The lines won't necessarily get progressively darker as you go along though - the tests only measure to see if the hormones are there, not how much of the hormone is there.
Yay Irene and Gary !
-- Edited by Elle at 10:00, 2006-08-05
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Irene wrote: Oh, Sorry Carmen, I guess I should have explained. The PG test I have will give you accurate results at 5 or less days before your period. So today was the first day I could take the test.