I have been thinking about these ever since rocky posted them, and yesterday I went into the coach store to check them out... bad idea. they are really pretty, but pretty expensive. I just love the colors, the materials, and the detailing... and they all, except for the last pair, look like they'd be pretty easy on my poor banged-up feet. (I've started getting pain from a bunion on my right foot... at the ripe age of 27... so I am having to avoid all my favorite pointy heels out of necessity).
those shoes *are* lovely. i really like the flats and the rounder-toed heels.
on a more practical note: do you have a podiatrist, sephorablue? you might want to get that bunion checked out. i have a good rec here in nyc if you need one. (there is a history of foot problems in my family so i'm a bit hyper-aware of this stuff.)
thanks scarlett--I haven't seen a doctor because I figure (s)he'd basically just tell me to avoid heels and pointy toes. I just don't want to wind up having t get surgery.