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Post Info TOPIC: hey baby, what's your sign?
what's your sign? [82 vote(s)]

Capricorn (23 December-19 January)
Aquarius (20 January-19 February)
Pisces (20 February-20 March)
Aries (21 March-20 April)
Taurus (21 April-21 May)
Gemini (22 May-22 June)
Cancer (23 June-23 July)
Leo (24 July-23 August)
Virgo (24 August-23 September)
Libra (24 September-23 October)
Scorpio (24 October-22 November)
Sagittarius (23 November-22 December)


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hey baby, what's your sign?
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I think we've done this before and determined that most of us are Leos - but maybe that's no longer the case. I thought it might be fun to do a poll...

I think I am very classic Leo in that I am flamboyant and generous... although the description below describes me as very ego driven... hmmm...


Ruler: Saturn / Element: Earth / Mode: Cardinal
Pole: Negative / Third: Universal / Half: Objective

Spirit's attempt to bring about the perfect society, to create heaven on earth; making practical, efficient connections with others on the physical plane; ambitious, feels pride in accomplishments; concern with truth, reality, "hard facts"; relationship to authority.

Serious, determined, disciplined, focused; needs to play more; fathering, disciplining love; authority figures; seeks certainties in life, wants things "cast in concrete"; the Businessman, concerned with the practical relationships to support yourself within society; not interested in "blue sky" ideas, needs to bring theory into concrete reality; "knowing the rules and playing the game"; making a niche in the world.


Ruler: Uranus / Element: Air / Mode: Fixed
Pole: Positive / Third: Universal / Half: Objective

Spirit's attempt to create ideal relationships and organizations, based on freedom and cooperation between individuals; free-thinking, unorthodox, not shackled by outdated ideology; the perfection of society.

Even though ideas are often far-sighted, they can be held and expressed in rigid, dogmatic fashion (this is a fixed sign, afterall!); "everyone should be free to be just like me!"; idealistic, utopian; derives sense of identity from groups and their goals, tends to dominate them; impersonal thinking, detached from emotional considerations; produces "humanitarian without compassion"; friendships based on common goal.


Ruler: Neptune / Element: Water / Mode: Mutable
Pole: Negative / Third: Universal / Half: Objective

Surrender to the universe, to higher goals; ego sacrifice; compassion and empathy, selfless work; seeing the unity of all things; the ends of cycles, forming "seeds" for the next cycle of growth; spirit as individual dissolving back into pure spirit.

Mysticism, escape into the One; sees the unity, fails to make "normal" distinctions, often weak ego; victim, martyr, servant; tends to escapism, fantasy, drugs (especially alcohol), religion; very receptive, sensitive, even psychic; co-dependency, care-taking; withdrawn from the world; release from the world.


Ruler: Mars / Element: Fire / Mode: Cardinal
Pole: Positive / Third: Primordial / Half: Subjective

Unbridled expression of your inner nature; activity that is self-motivated, unaffected by others; new beginnings, the start of new cycles, birth; enthusiasm and vitality.

Aggressive, willful, powerful, assertive; enthusiastic about whatever interests you at the moment, focused in short bursts, unlikely to sustain interest in the long term; ego expression; adventurious, pioneering; Warrior-type energy; impatient with having to cooperate with others, works best alone or in leadership role; unconcerned with approval or acceptance; lacks persistance and stamina; honest and forthright, "what you see is what you get", not given to airs or pretenses; the first expression (or incarnation ) of spirit within a new cycle on the physical plane.


Ruler: Venus / Element: Earth / Mode: Fixed
Pole: Negative / Third: Primordial / Half: Subjective

Grounding, bringing down to earth; constancy, steadiness, fixedness; spirit becoming embodied, entering matter, taking on a form; a vessel or container for spiritual forces.

Earthy, grounded, in touch with the body; sensual, pleasure seeking; stubborn, fixed, stands their ground; focuses and concentrates energy, gives it concrete expression, practical, provides stamina and persistance; slow, steady, methodical; fertile, productive; unreflective, content to simply be; spirit becoming involved with the material world.


Ruler: Mercury / Element: Air / Mode: Mutable
Pole: Positive / Third: Primordial / Half: Subjective

Curiousity, cleverness, skill, communication; making connections with surroundings, trying to "figure things out"; the first display of intelligence by embodied spirit.

Talkative ("a Gemini is born with a telephone in each hand!"), communicative, sociable; loves to interact with others (at least on a superficial level); unemotional, impersonal, ruled by "rationality"; requires great mental stimulation, curious to a fault; playful, the Trickster, the Devil's Advocate; changable, inconstant, attention easily drifts to something new, seeks novelty.


Ruler: Moon / Element: Water / Mode: Cardinal
Pole: Negative / Third: Primordial / Half: Subjective

Nurturing, support, belonging, emotional bonds; your roots, source, ground of your being; the unconscious, feelings, emotion; the Great Mother, Universal Womb; spirit's first emotional attachments to the world.

Mothering, emotional and physical nurturance; experiences and imprinting during infancy and childhood; family, ancestors, heritage, relationships to the past; belonging, feeling "at home"; maternal love, caring; feeling supported by the world, that your needs are provided for; insecurities and fears if your needs haven't been fulfilled; possessiveness, "twisted love", inability to nurture others are negative expressions.


Ruler: Sun / Element: Fire / Mode: Fixed
Pole: Positive / Third: Individual / Half: Subjective

Spirit entering the realm of the individual person; ego development, setting yourself apart from the rest of the world, becoming your own person; self-expression, being true to your inner nature, acting from the heart; dawning awareness of self in relation to others.

Ego, self-centered, arrogant; fixed, stubborn, persistant; artistic or creative expression as a vehicle for revealing "who I am"; needs to be a center of attention, requires acknowledgment and approval, likes to be noticed and appreciated ("ego-strokes"); personal integrity, true to self, honorable, trustworthy; kingly, self-assured, confident.


Ruler: Mercury / Element: Earth / Mode: Mutable
Pole: Negative / Third: Individual / Half: Subjective

Embodiment of the individual in the world; problems of adjustment dealing with the world and others; perfection of your approach to life, development of mundane skills; ability to change to adapt to life better.

Service, helping, self-effacing; perfectionist, always seeking to improve, efficiency; practical, functional, interested in crafts and projects; true to self in a simple, unassuming manner; reacts to defeats and setbacks by pulling back and altering approach, lacks confidence in the face of opposition; lives up to duties and responsiblities; interested in maintaining the body as a fit vehicle; diet, exercise, herbs, etc.; aware of conflicts with others, of the give and take required by life.


Ruler: Venus / Element: Air / Mode: Cardinal
Pole: Positive / Third: Individual / Half: Objective

Spirit as individual entering into relationship with others; partnership, one-to-one relationships, meeting others as an equal, interdependency; encountering repressed parts of yourself through others (via projection); going beyond ego boundaries; peace, harmony, balance; social awareness.

Partners, marriage; learning how to get along peacably with others, treating others as equals; "I vs. You", conflict, enemies; art, beauty, harmonious surroundings; distressed by stressful, inharmonious interactions; intimacy; people in counseling professions.


Ruler: Pluto / Element: Water / Mode: Fixed
Pole: Negative / Third: Individual / Half: Objective

Transformation, change, ego-death, rebirth, transcendence; intense emotional involvement with the process of personal growth; movement from individual certainties to the "mysteries of life"; spirit breaking through the limitations of individual ego.

Intense, passionate, brooding, magnetic; stubborn, unyielding, driven by emotions; stands up for self, usually covertly, manipulates power; understands deeper layers of the psyche beyond the ego, unable to communicate this well leading to misunderstandings; intrigued by the "dark side" of life; the underground, people whose job involves going beneath surface appearances; sexuality, especially the transformative power of the orgasm; self-mastery, breaking free of illusory limitations, the Hero.


Ruler: Jupiter / Element: Fire / Mode: Mutable
Pole: Positive / Third: Universal / Half: Objective

Spirit moving beyond the realm of the individual into the world at large; becoming a member of a wider society; experiences that lead to consciousness expansion, being receptive to new points of view, wisdom, enlightenment; using your talents for the benefit of the greater whole.

Freedom loving, idealist, unfettered by "small thinking"; inspiration; religion, philosophy, the law; awareness of your connections to the rest of the world; can be distant from others, afraid to give up freedom, reluctant to be tied down; on the other hand, aware of the value of the social contract; enthusiastic, gregarious, generous; loves abstract, theoretical ideas, sees the big picture, ignores the details; in love with an ideal; foreign travel, liberating experiences.


"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase

Kate Spade

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i'm a taurus.  i guess i fit the mold...i'm pretty stubborn, content just to be.  though there are other aspects that i just don't see in me. 

freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis


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I would say I'm pretty much a standard-issue Gemini, but environmental factors played a large part in me being less social. My parents pretty much wanted me to concentrate solely on my studies at the expense of building strong friendships with my peers.



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asf wrote:

i'm a taurus.  i guess i fit the mold...i'm pretty stubborn, content just to be.  though there are other aspects that i just don't see in me. 

me too, asf. I stand my ground.

Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad


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I'm also a Taurus and I relate most to the grounded/practical part.



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Leo all the way baby!!!



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FashionPrincess wrote:

Leo all the way baby!!!

Me too!


Kate Spade

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FashionPrincess wrote:

Leo all the way baby!!!

Me too!



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I'm a Pisces.  I am certain things, but definitely not others.  I'm compassionate and empathetic, sensitive,  a dreamer - those type of things, but I'm not co-dependent, withdrawn, or a martyr.  So some is true, some is not!  My BF is a Pisces too and I think he fits the mold much better than me.



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out of curiosity, I looked up amount of births by month. I could only find 2000 data, but it's pretty commensurate to other years.  Typically most people are born in the summer because in the winter, it's typical to "cuddle" more (would that be cuddle with a whoops?) Also, people will plan to have children during vacation times such as teachers having the summer off and planning for it then. I'm curious to see if we will reflect the chart below and if we're different, it will be interesting to decipher the variance...

-- Edited by D at 16:12, 2006-08-03

"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase


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D wrote:

  Typically most people are born in the summer because in the winter, it's typical to "cuddle" more (would that be cuddle with a whoops?)

-- Edited by D at 16:12, 2006-08-03

Yeah, and I'm sure the holidays play into that too.


Marc Jacobs

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I'm on the cusp of Aries & Taurus (April 20). I am almost ALL Aries, but with the sensual and stubborn parts of a Taurus.





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Ego, self-centered, arrogant; fixed, stubborn, persistant; artistic or creative expression as a vehicle for revealing "who I am"; needs to be a center of attention, requires acknowledgment and approval, likes to be noticed and appreciated ("ego-strokes"); personal integrity, true to self, honorable, trustworthy; kingly, self-assured, confident."


Oh, my, I'm such a Leo (but I already knew that). My birthday is this Saturday. I don't necessarily think that I 'require acknowledgement,' though, but it is nice to be recognized for a job well done. Other than that, I'm so much of a Leo that it's ridiculous. And I even have the classic leo mane of hair, too.



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Sagittarius. I am pretty close to the description you posted and other descriptions of Sags, but I am NOT outdoorsy at all, which some descriptions point out.

"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde


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I'm a cancer. I am pretty close to what you described.



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D wrote:

out of curiosity, I looked up amount of births by month. I could only find 2000 data, but it's pretty commensurate to other years.  Typically most people are born in the summer because in the winter, it's typical to "cuddle" more (would that be cuddle with a whoops?) Also, people will plan to have children during vacation times such as teachers having the summer off and planning for it then. I'm curious to see if we will reflect the chart below and if we're different, it will be interesting to decipher the variance...

-- Edited by D at 16:12, 2006-08-03

I'm an Aires, and (unfortunatley) know for a fact that i was conceived on the might on my Mom's high school graduation. so that may be another factor. I see maybe 25% of the description as being "me". I'm honeslty not assertive at all- because I do care too much about what others think. I do work best alone or in a leadership role though- I can't stand being bossed around and I like to take responsibility for what I or my group does or doesn't do.

"Life's too short to wear ugly shoes."

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Kate Spade

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Ummm yeah...I am a Gemini and this is exactly me!

"Talkative ("a Gemini is born with a telephone in each hand!"), communicative, sociable; loves to interact with others (at least on a superficial level); unemotional, impersonal, ruled by "rationality"; requires great mental stimulation, curious to a fault; playful, the Trickster, the Devil's Advocate; changable, inconstant, attention easily drifts to something new, seeks novelty."


Let me break this down:

"Talkative ("a Gemini is born with a telephone in each hand!")-I should change my name from "travelgirl" to "telephone girl" and I have always been this way!  Hell, I even met my husband by dialing the wrong number and keeping him on the line for 10 hours the first time we "met".

"communicative, sociable; loves to interact with others (at least on a superficial level)"-So true about me!  I love being sociable and outgoing but it usually is on a superficial level because I also really love being by myself and having "alone time"...

"curious to a fault"-My first word was "why?"....Really!

"changable, inconstant, attention easily drifts to something new, seeks novelty."  This is so me...always having to two (or more) things at once, I am probably kind of "flighty" and I think I also have attention deficit disorder too!






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I am a gemini and I definitely fit the mold- perfectly.  I almost wish I didn't. 

"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."


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My bday is always on the cusp. Oct 23... I definately think of myself as a Scorpio.. It fits me much better than a Libra.



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Iam a Leo my b-day is next week.Stubborn yeah thats me 

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