That is so unfair!! Its not like you were on ST all day or anything! Right? Just a moment here and there- they should allow it for stress relief, and see that in the long run it makes you a much better employee, being that those few moments throughout the day release tension? Is this a stretch= I think not!!
I wish it was that easy. I have to use the PC they gave me while I'm at the office.
I will still be on from home in the evenings but between the new house, DH, the dog, and time at the gym... I'm afraid it won't be enough to satisfy my ST craving!
Kitty wrote: OH NO!! That's awful!!!
I don't know if there is a way to get around it...maybe get a mac?
Here are two anonymous proxy server type sites that may work. They worked at my old job until IT caught on and blocked them. If they work for you, you still might only be able to read, and not login/post to ST. Using these might piss off your IT people though, since the only purpose of these sites is to circumvent IT.