Sorry for bumping this but Iam really looking forward to this day Any thoughts about if we are going to stay in a hotel? Any one going to join us? bluebirde,miss me. Joy0302,kahluamilk,aurora you ladies are in tx could you come?
I would love to meet everyone! I may be taking a trip with my family in October so I am not sure yet whether I will be able to participate. If I could my vote would be for Austin, but please don't count mine just in case I can't make it.
Is it too late to vote? My vote is for Dallas. Since bf moved up there.. it'll give me another excuse to go up there and see him and meet my fav ST gals!
I still don't know if/when we'll be moving. I *hope* to be moved there by Oct, but who knows???!!!???? So, I will give a tentative YES for October in Dallas.
Okay so for the moment is 9 votes for Dallas and 7 votes for Austin. Just need the official okay from everyone if Dallas is a location where we can set up a date.
Houston ladies I have a favor to ask, could I drive up to met you in Houston and catch a ride to dallas. Dallas is about 6 hrs away and that is alot of gas for my gas guzzling truck.
FP and I were discussing it today and we would like to come down to meet with you guys, but can't the 14th (previous plans). Any chance we could do it the folllowing weekend? If not I will meet up with you guys some other time!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
The following weekend is okay with me. If all possible can we decide on which date for sure by the 15th? That way I have enough time to make the switch at work if I need too.
Sorry girls, but I'm out that weekend...that's OK State Homecoming!!! The family will be out in full force enjoying a little Cowboy Football!!!! Go Pokes Go Pokes Go Pokes GO!!! smile!!!
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.