so ever since someone posted spendqueen's blog, i've been reading it semi-regularly. i also read dooce just about every day. i've noticed some similarities before (spendqueen's "how to annoy me" headings which i've been seeing on dooce for years, for example).
but today i'm really annoyed. the first examples are taken from dooce's post dated july 31, the second from a spendqueen post dated today (aug 1):
dooce: Maybe, “I’d like to be the one responsible when my precious granddaughter wakes up in the middle of the night, rolls over and finds herself inches from a plastic face permanently molded into an expression of someone who has just witnessed a pig being violated by a tire iron.”
sq: Upon the release of some ridiculous words from his lips my face contorted into an expression that resembles someone who has just witnessed a kitten being beaten to death with a tire iron.
dooce: I wanted desperately to pull her aside, offer her a cigarette, and swap horror stories of what it’s like to have your entire life subjected to the tyranny of a fictional, red tree sloth who refuses to use pronouns.
sq: And I call shotgun in the VW van next to the guy named Digger who never wears a shirt and has no last name and speaks without the use of pronouns.
for some reason this really annoys me. shades of kaavya viswanathan....
it's not like she's saying the exact same thing, but come on.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
oh my gosh, i thought i was the only one! in fact, when jocey posted spendqueen's blog i went to read it and i didn't know what it was but it made me think of dooce, who i hadn't read in years. so then i went on dooce's and got re-addicted to hers and ever since then i've been convinced spendqueen's style is like, a knockoff of dooce's! this is jmo of course but i think dooce is a better writer. spendqueen has a tendency to ramble and there's an air of "trying too hard" w/ her. but with dooce, i always feel like she writes with purpose, sincerity, and natural flair.
very suspicious- i read them both too and definitely noticed similiarities; ie the "how to annoy me" "how to charm me" headings, etc. SQ also just posted the other day, "So whenever I get a free moment at work, I like to see what the other bloggers I know are up to. Every time I do it I am annoyed for many reasons: the first of which being I wish I was that clever, or had thought of that first. "
I don't really think there is anything wrong with it. It could be coincidence. I rip off my friends all the time with their catchphrases. Is that the same?
I also make a lot of lists on my blog, like SpendQueen does. I am an Aries. We make lists.
jocey - i thought it was you but i wasn't 100% sure and was too lazy to search. lol. dooce's site is i think i first heard about her here, honestly, or on fh even. she's hilarious and i want her to be my friend. i thought spendqueen was hilarious at first, too, but the more i read the more i feel like esquiress is right - she's almost trying too hard. and this blatant dooce-biting really irks me.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
This is sort of a hijack I guess, but I went to school with Kaavya Viswanathan, and I really had a lot of trouble believing that she could/would do something like that on her own. She's a year older than me, so I don't know her well, but she was always such a nice, professional, articulate girl and I know her high school work was original.