i breastfed my daughter in public. she nursed until she was 7 months old and that is all she would have except for a jar of baby food in the morning and before bed, untill i started to ween her then i added more baby food to her diet untill that was all she ate. i was very modest about it though. no boob in sight. i used a large recieving blanket on top of a nursing cover. pumping was not an option at all with me. mercie drained both of them every time she ate and they were huge huge. if i were to pump them in between feedings, she would not have gotten enough to eat, and when she was hungry, she was hungry. for a while i would try to take her to the restroom or back to the car to sit and feed her, but it is so hard to be able to do that when you are in places where restrooms are not close or the restroom is going to be buisy, or you are parked far away. the way i look at is, people walk around and smoke on the sidewalks, and outside of restaurants, make out all over the place, walk around with an ample amount of cleavage, cuss when ever they want to, but have a fit when they see a woman nursing their child, even if they are covered.
It doesn't bother me in the least. Babies need to eat like every 3 hours or something ridiculous. I don't have kids, but I can imagine that it must be nice to just do it when the baby gets hungry, rather than finding a secluded spot...all the while the poor baby is just wailing!
It doesn't bother me or gross me out at all. Seeing a woman breastfeeding in public makes me slightly uncomfortable because its seems like such an intimate moment I feel like I'm invading on something. As long as the mother is comfortable with other people witnessing her private moment, I am not going to complain about it.