Yes I am! Thanks for asking. I feel a little weird posting now that I've gotten out of the habit but I look forward to jumping back in. There's a whole lot of shopping to be done for me right now!
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Metric wrote: Tell us about your summer, Jess. We'd love to hear about it!
It was great! The first week was staff and it was kind of boring/awkward. We did lots of manual labor around camp like mulching, cleaning out cabins, getting things ready for campers and then at nights we would have policy sessions on oh so exciting topics like bloodbourne pathogens, appropriate staff behavior, and what to do if a kid throws up/wets the bed/gets homesick/makes you want to punch a baby. The staff was 80% new so we all just got to know each other before we went into the summer. The rest of the summer was great--my co counselor was pretty much my twin and 85% of our kids were great. I have the 12 year olds so that was interesting--they run the gamut developmentally. There are ones who are completely boy crazy and wear eyeliner and then ones that have rock collections and ones that can't focus AT ALL and ones that act like they are ten years older than they really are. It was a really great experience and I learned a lot of things.
Sorry if that was really long--that was as much as I could condense the 9 weeks!
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland