Gah, Angela is still there! So what if she can sew well, it doesn't mean she has any style! That was so funny how one of the judges said it looked like they were going to the same place! Have a little creativity of come up with a different kind of skirt than the one you always wear!
Bradley: OMG! I thought it was quite hilarious how he put that together minutes before the runway and the judges loved it!
Katherine: Didn't think she should have went home. It may have been a simple dress but I like it and would wear it.
Vincent: Yep, this guy is crazy.
It was also hilarious how they said everybody's dog looked like their designer! True!
This was one of my favorite challenges. I felt like a lot of good came out from it and I wanted to squeal when I sall all the cute doggies.
I wanted to throw something at the televison when I saw that Angela was still there. I feel like I kind of understand where she's coming from with all her craziness but good grief I totally agreed with the 'streetwalker comment'. I would have FAR sooner sent Angela home...she's a total waste of my time.
I liked Allison's a little better than Uli's, but both were really good. I was kinda surprised but happy for Bradley. I would've felt terrible if he had been sent home on his birthday. He definitely had a little bit of birthday luck on his side.
Keith is an arrogant bastard.
PS: you might want to indicate that this thread has spoilers.
I loved that episode! All the dogs where so adorable.
I'm so pissed that Angela is still there tho. The skirt she made looked just like every skirt she wears. Can she make anything other than a funky, short bubble skirt? I'm not convinced that she can. Even tho Katherine's dress was really simple, I thought it was cute and wearable. I really liked her choice of fabric.
I'm really glad everything worked out okay for Bradley. Personally, I didn't like his outfit, but I think he has more talent than several of the other designers. He was just having a hard time w/ that particular challenge.
I still hate Vincent. There's just something about him that rubs me the wrong way.
I thought Angela's bordered on hideous but the pieces individually were good. I'm so lame - for every fashion problem I kept thinking, "just throw on a white beater and it'll look great." My fashion style summed up, eh?
Anyway - so what's next week about? Is the "against the rules" thing really the spoiler linked in the other PR thread? Because the way it's edited, it could be about anything. I mean, it could even be that the person who gets kicked off next week doesn't want to leave the room or the set or whatever. It's that general. I'm intriqued, nonetheless. I hope it isn't lame.
Oh and Keith? Sucks balls. He's way more arrogant than Santino and if he did what that spoiler says he did, he doesn't deserve to be.
I really loved these dresses and was surprised they didn't get called up...
I really like Uli and Laura, though neither of them are my style. They both have great personalities and a strong point of view. And Alison is just the cutest thing ever. I also want to hang out with Bradley; he looks like a serial killer.
I HATED this... I like Kayne, but I think his taste level is really low. Tim Gunn loved this though.
Although I understand why they sent Katherine, I think Angela should've been out of there.
i'm with maddie. those were my two favorite looks of the challenge. i really like michael, the hip-hop guy. i remember them being concerned about his ability to create more mainstream clothing, but i've been seriously impressed with everything he did.
the coffee filter dress was amazing aesthetically and just in terms of what he did with coffee filters. also i really liked the dress from this episode. i was really surprised it didn't end up as a contender for the win.
katherine's dress was kind of blah. it seems like the general trend with pr is if there are two equally atrocious designs, they'll usually let the one that was better made stay. also i think angela will be with us for awhile. it seems like one of those scenarios where she always make crap, but someone else will screw up more royally and go home. i hope i'm wrong.
honey wrote: i'm with maddie. those were my two favorite looks of the challenge. i really like michael, the hip-hop guy. i remember them being concerned about his ability to create more mainstream clothing, but i've been seriously impressed with everything he did. the coffee filter dress was amazing aesthetically and just in terms of what he did with coffee filters. also i really liked the dress from this episode. i was really surprised it didn't end up as a contender for the win.
ITA with maddie and honey. michael is one of my favorites! i think his designs have been gorgeous and well-executed. every week i'm shocked when he's scored in the middle of the pack. i hope he gets some recognition soon!
i thought uli's look was really cute and well thought out. loved the "hi ladies" lettering on the dog's outfit! i'm glad she won but i would have been equally happy if allison had won the challenge. her whole look was great, right down to the hairstyle- and i loved the motorcycle jacket that she made for the dog! too bad it didn't show up too well...white jacket, white dog.
angela needs to go. she scared me with her "parisian art-school head mistress/streetwalker" design!
ITA with maddie and honey. michael is one of my favorites! i think his designs have been gorgeous and well-executed. every week i'm shocked when he's scored in the middle of the pack. i hope he gets some recognition soon!
For what it's worth, Tim loves him-- I've started reading Tim's blogs on the Bravo site and he always gives candid opinions of people's work, which is great. So far he loves Uli, Laura, Robert and Michael--he remarked particularly on Michael's coffee filter dress, and on this one. Oh and although he is always polite, he clearly can't stand Angela or Vincent. He always says, "Vincent's concept for this one really eluded me..."