Thanks ladies for all your help! I ended up drawing names...and Ster of the week is tri_sarah_tops!
My questions:
What's your favorite thing to do with your little girl? Favorite childhood memory? Best advice you ever got? Favorite piece of clothing? Who is your fashion inspiration? What was the first concert you ever went to? What do you do for a living? Favorite vacation you've been on? What kind of music do you listen to?
What's your favorite thing to do with your little girl? Right now I love doing absolutely anything that involves spending time with her, especially since I can't be home with her during the day. On the weekends I try to take a nap with her in the afternoon. Before I had to come back to work, after her morning feeding, I'd bring her to bed with me and we'd sleep together for a couple of hours. I really miss that and I still feel guilty about not being able to be home with her.
Favorite childhood memory? This is pretty random, but it involves the "name game" (example, if you don't remember: Sarah, Sarah bo barah, banana fanna fo farah.... ). I grew up with my cousins (they're brothers) and we only lived a few blocks from each other. One of them is the same age as me (just two months older) and the other one is two years younger. The older one and I used to play the name game with the word "duck," but we'd always stop at the explicitive. We were like 7 and thought this was hilarious. The younger brother didn't understand why we would always stop and he got so mad, especially since we wouldn't tell him why. One day he finally lost it and was like, "The word is f***! I don't know why you guys won't say it, but it's f***! Just say it! F***, f***, f***!" Of course we were laughing, which just made him even madder, so he started running laps around the yard and shouting the word. Then he went inside and found his mom and said, "Mom, what's f*** mean? I said it and now they're laughing at me and they won't tell me why!" We all got sent to timeout and my aunt took my cousins aside and I guess she had some sort of sex talk with them because a couple of weeks later a boy at school was talking about how much he liked his babysitter and how he thought that she was really nice and really pretty. My cousin said (very loudly), "What, do you wanna f*** her?" He got suspended for three days
Best advice you ever got? I know this isn't exactly profound or life changing, but it's the one thing that's really stuck with me and it's kind of funny because it sort of ties into my love of swear words, as mentioned above. I used to swear A LOT and I'd always try to censor myself in front of my mother, but sometimes I'd let one slip. Finally she said, "Sarah, such dirty words shouldn't come out of such a pretty mouth." I realized that it was pretty unattractive and stopped (mostly). But now I say "flippin" waaaaay too much. Since it's generally acceptable to most people, it's become my favorite adjective and that's not really a good thing.
Favorite piece of clothing? This is hard, but I guess I'd have to say my 7 dojos. They fit pre pregnancy and into about my sixth month of pregnancy, long after nothing else fit, and I could get back into them (comfortably even!) two weeks post partum, even when nothing else fit. I don't know how, but I love them for that. And not really a clothing item, but I have a pair of red Marc Jacobs peeptoes that I love so, so much. Sometimes I will just take them out of the box and stare at them, or put them on my nightstand so I can admire them for awhile. Yeah, my husband thinks I'm crazy but I'm sure you guys understand :)
Who is your fashion inspiration? I love Rachel Bilson. I have never seen her wear something that I wouldn't wear myself, and when I'm stuck I look at pictures of her for inspiration. She's so cute and I want to be her!
What was the first concert you ever went to? This is kind of embarassing! I'm from Nebraska (the middle of nowhere part of Nebraska) and big name bands don't exactly stop there. The summer between my jr and sr year of high school there was this thing called Party in the Pasture, which was a huge outdoor a pasture! It was 80's bands....I can't remember exactly who but I'm pretty sure it was REO Speedwagon, Survivor, and Starship. Sweet!
What do you do for a living? I'm in the Navy (specific job is legal clerk). I've been in since 2001 and I'll be getting out in January. After going to college for three years I realized that I had no idea what I wanted to go to school for or what I wanted to do with my life. I knew I didn't want to stay in Nebraska and at the time I really didn't see any other way I here I am! It really has been good for me but I'm more than ready to move on. Although I still have no idea what I want to do! I finished my BA in Human Resources, but I dunno......we'll see. I'll probably just work part time for awhile so I can spend lots of time with Inara.
Favorite vacation you've been on? I met my husband online . I was in Japan and he was in Florida. This sounds so weird, but we really clicked and after talking for a couple of months we realized that we wanted to be together and decided that we wouldn't date other people. After about six months of this I was finally able to go to Florida to meet him and by the time I left we both knew that we'd be together forever. So that trip was the best vacation ever.
What kind of music do you listen to? I like a lot of different stuff and I'll listen to nearly anything (except country, hate it) but my favorite stuff is 70's punk and 80's underground. Husker Du and The Misfits are my favorite bands of all time. I also like modern rock/alternative. Current favorites are the Subways and the Arctic Monkeys.
what is your "go-to" outfit? This is kind of hard. Right now I'm at the point where all my pre preggo clothes fit, but I still have about 10 pounds to loose so I feel uncomfortable and self conscious in most of my stuff. I have a navy blue jersey dress that I got on clearance at Target for $8 that I've been wearing a lot. It's nothing special, but it's flattering and I feel pretty chic if I wear it with my Missoni flats and the right jewelry. It also works with flips so it's pretty versatile.
fav color? navy, i think. It's hard to pick but when given a choice between blue or any other color, I almost always pick blue.
how old is your liitle girl? I know this is hard but what is she doing at this time that amazes you? 9 weeks as of yesterday. Right now pretty much everything she does amazes me. I am totally in awe of her. It's so cool to watch her grow and change; I can tell that everyday she's growing and learning so much and seeing that is the greatest thing in the whole world. I'd do anything to see her little smile.
your hobbies? shopping, of course. And cardio. Right now I'm working on getting back to where I was pre pregnancy, then I'm going to train for a marathon. I also love to read news magazines and I used to read Newsweek and Time from cover to cover each week, but I don't really have time for that anymore. Currently I am addicted to sudoko.
fav. season? Spring. I hate winter so I absolutely love those first warm days. Everything seems so pretty and new.
fav. food? Ice cream. There isn't a single flavor that I don't like. I will eat any kind and once I start, I have no self control. I have to keep it out of the house because I can't restrain myself.
I believe you're married, right? Where did you meet your hubby? Online, on a journal/picture website. At first I didn't even like him and I hated it when he messaged me but once he caught me when I'd been drinking and I let him call We really clicked and eventually we decided that we wanted to try to be together, even though I was in Japan and he was in Florida. At first I really didn't think that it was going to work because I'd had past problems with long distance relationships and with committment, but the more I talked to him the more I liked him and before long I knew that I didn't want to be with anyone else. I really think that it was totally fate and that if I hadn't met him online I would have eventually met him somewhere else. We're perfect for each other.
Since you're a fellow Chicago girl - What's your favorite restaurant in Chicago? Unfortunately I haven't spent enough time downtown to really answer this . When we first moved here we lived in Highland Park and I would go downtown about once a month, but I never really went anywhere consistently. Then we moved further north to WI (I live in Pleasant Prairie, not even a mile N of the IL border) and now I don't make it to Chicago nearly as often as I would like.
What's your favorite store to shop at in Chicago? I guess it's not really Chicago, but I'm a denim addict and I E Street in Highland Park. I used to live about 10 blocks from there, which was really dangerous. I'd go in at least once a week and try on 20 pairs of jeans. I knew as much about fits as the SA's. I haven't been there in about a year, but as soon as I get back to my preggo weight, I'm so there!
if you could live anywhere in the U.S. where would it be?
what's the one thing you're most proud of?
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Do you have a best friend? If so, what's the back story? Yeah, I met her while I was in Japan, we worked together. I'd been there about two weeks and I went in the bathroom and saw that one of the toilets had backed up. I saw her in the hallway and asked her who I should tell and she said, "you've been here long enough so you should know this, but talk to...." So I thought that she was rude and mean and I pretty much hated her. Then we went out with some mutual friends and found out that we had a lot of common interests and started hanging out more. She actually is rude and mean, but I got used to it and I guess it's kind of endearing. Our personalities are totally different so it's amazing that we get along but she really is a great friend. I know she'd do anything for me.
Do you have friends that fit special needs? Meaning, the one that can keep a secret no matter what. One you shop with, etc. Not really, and that makes me kind of sad. I've moved a lot so most of my really good friends are scattered everywhere. I do have a concert friend though. We like the same music so we go to shows together. She's the only friend I have here that I really go out and do stuff with.
If you were on a desert island and could only pick one product from each of the following categories, what would it be?
Hair product: Sebastian Potion 9. This works the best on my wavy hair. It doesn't make it crunchy or frizzy at all.
Make up: Fresh Face Luster. I love this stuff.
Candy: Sweetarts. These have been my favorite since I was 5. I love the big bags that come out for valentine's day and easter.
Beverage: Minutemaid Light Lemonade. I hate diet soda, so this is a great low cal drink option.
what's your favorite thing to do to unwind? I love puzzle games. Sudoku and Tetris are my favorites.
if you could live anywhere in the U.S. where would it be? Colorado, in the mountains. I love it and that's where i hope to go when we're ready to leave WI. I like outdoorsy stuff and there's so much to do there and it's beautiful.
what's the one thing you're most proud of? finishing college, because I did it on my own terms. I went right out of high school and after changing my major four times in three years I realized that I had no idea what I really wanted to do and that I wasn't ready to commit myself to anything. So I ended up in the Navy and I finished my BA in Human Resources last September. I still don't know exactly what I want to do, but I have a much better sense of self than I did when I was 20 and I'm so glad that I didn't force myself into anything.
finishing college, because I did it on my own terms. I went right out of high school and after changing my major four times in three years I realized that I had no idea what I really wanted to do and that I wasn't ready to commit myself to anything. So I ended up in the Navy and I finished my BA in Human Resources last September. I still don't know exactly what I want to do, but I have a much better sense of self than I did when I was 20 and I'm so glad that I didn't force myself into anything.
that's very cool. i think more people need to do that.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots