Or maybe you could have the girls who haven't been chosen yet post that they would like to. I haven't been chosen yet...it would give you an idea about the women who would like to play for future choosing.
fairywings wrote: Or maybe you could have the girls who haven't been chosen yet post that they would like to. I haven't been chosen yet...it would give you an idea about the women who would like to play for future choosing.
I'd be game, but I'm pretty boring I fear... unless you count the "mommy" stuff
itsapinkthing wrote: fairywings wrote: Or maybe you could have the girls who haven't been chosen yet post that they would like to. I haven't been chosen yet...it would give you an idea about the women who would like to play for future choosing.
itsapinkthing wrote: fairywings wrote: Or maybe you could have the girls who haven't been chosen yet post that they would like to. I haven't been chosen yet...it would give you an idea about the women who would like to play for future choosing. I'd be game, but I'm pretty boring I fear... ditto
It shows me on the listmaybe I missed it -- Edited by kaykay at 11:17, 2006-07-24
irrc, you were nominated randomly by someone who hadn't been the previous STer of the week, so the previous STer ended up nominated someone else. So, I don't think you've officially been STer of the week yet. HTH!
but sometimes i get really swamped during the week and am only on ST during the weekends... it would probably be best to choose someone who could answer the questions more quickly...