I feel like Im going to be sick it is so hot here in Sacramento, Ca. Does anyone else in Ca. feel like even going to work is a chore? When I got in my car it registered 122 Degrees! I think Ill call in sick tomorrow!!
It's bad in PA, too. It's nearly 100 degrees with the heat index reading well over 100. The humidity is terrible. My hair turns into a puffball upon leaving my house and I just want to run around wear little camis, flip flops and cotton skirts. Even that's too much clothing. This heat wave needs to end!
Feeling it too here in Tri-Cities, WA. 108 was the high. Caused a big fire to start in my neighborhood. Quite a few structures caught fire, but an airplane came and dumped stuff on it. I'll be staying indoors!
I hope it cools down for you guys!! Yuck - that sounds terrible. We did have a heat wave last week. Now it is in the high 70's. It feels really good!! Stay cool and drink lots and lots of water!!
I'm also in CA, in the valleys where it gets super hot. Yesterday was 108, and last night was a major power outage throughout L.A. My house had no power for about 4 1/2 hours. Today was around 102 and humid as hell.
zeitgeist4 wrote: I thought I was going to die. It got to 109 on Saturday and 104 or 105 on Sunday. Damn off-shore breezes!
I don't ever remember it getting that hot here before. Occasionally we'll get a random day of 100-103, but never two days in a row of 105+.
Last year there was 1 Spare the Air day, I think we're on our 9th for this year.
Where did you hear that it got that hot? I was checking yahoo weather and weather.com and it kept saying it was like 96 degrees but it was INSANELY hot and I knew it was hotter than that. ugh, stupid online weather.
Do you know how hot it is supposed to be today and the rest of the week?
Kitty wrote: Where did you hear that it got that hot? I was checking yahoo weather and weather.com and it kept saying it was like 96 degrees but it was INSANELY hot and I knew it was hotter than that. ugh, stupid online weather.
Do you know how hot it is supposed to be today and the rest of the week?
At my house we have two different outside thermoter/temperature guage things, so that's where I'm getting those numbers. The weather people NEVER get the temperature right for San Carlos. They said it was 94 on Saturday. No way in hell is that right. Our temps were acutally along the lines of what San Jose was.
I think for today they're showing 94-96 for today (for San Jose, which should be what we get here).
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
i am i southern california. it is supposed to be 123 degrees outside today. my car registered at 130 when i got in to get my sandals out a few minutes ago. yuck
the air conditioning has been out in my building for 4 weeks and won't be fixed until the end of august.
Tashina wrote: i am i southern california. it is supposed to be 123 degrees outside today. my car registered at 130 when i got in to get my sandals out a few minutes ago. yuck the air conditioning has been out in my building for 4 weeks and won't be fixed until the end of august.-- Edited by Tashina at 13:27, 2006-07-24
your tellin me. and with the air out, we are alloud to wear bermuda shorts, but we can't wear open toe shoes. and any shoes we do wear have to hav socks. so dumb. i am dieing here.
I feel like Im going to be sick it is so hot here in Sacramento, Ca. Does anyone else in Ca. feel like even going to work is a chore? When I got in my car it registered 122 Degrees! I think Ill call in sick tomorrow!!
I feel your pain since I live in Sac too. The worst part is how it doesn't cool off until 1am at night!! I went to see a play my little sister was in at an outdoor theater Friday and sweated through the whole performance...