D, I am holding my fingers crossed for you. You are strong and smart and will get through this hard period in your life.
Your mom is something else though. As somebody who has a difficult relationship with my mother, I can only say, minimize the time you spend talking to her. Let someone else pick up the phone. She is *not* helping and you can do without the extra stress.
itsapinkthing wrote: D...I never posted in you first post but feel compelled to now.
From the little I know of you, you are a very strong smart woman. It is amazing the way we can deal with these things as women. The profound affect it can have on our thought process as we digest health isuues that are rooted in just that, being a woman. Take it one step at a time, which you seem to be doing very well. Don't let you mother, or anyone else for that matter, plant seed that get you too far ahead of yourself. In part I want to say your mother is just being a mother and protecting you from things getting any worse in her mind...but that is the cutting of the nose despite the face theory.
I will keep you in my thoughs as well. I know you will make smart well thought out secisions that are best for you. In the meantime enjpy some noght, like tonight, out and treat yourself well, you deserve it.
I totally agree. You're being so strong and positive and I really admire you for showing such strength. You'll be in my thoughts. Have fun tonight!
D Iam sorry to hear this but you are a strong beautiful women who will get through this. Hope you had a great time with friends you deserve it. Take care and keep us posted
thanks for your support. The more research I do, the more scared I am that I will lose half if not all of my breast because of the multiple locations. I'm quite nervous about my meeting with the surgeon on Monday. I think my insurance may include reconstruction - something I need to confirm on Monday.
I guess this means no more going topless on European beaches or maybe I can - Pamela Anderson does and her boobies are pretty mangled...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I really admire the way you have approached this. It sounds like this is the best way you could have been in this difficult situation, and it's getting addressed quickly. Hang in there -- we are all pulling for you! You are going to come through this a-okay.
Hey, if Pamela Anderson can go topless with those basketballs on her chest, then I don't see why you can't.
I am so, so sorry to hear this. You are, of course in my good thoughts and prayers, and I hope this will be behind you ASAP!! Hang in there and know how many people are sending you positive energy right now. Hugs to you and your husband...oh, and tell your mom as little as possible, okay? Sheesh! ~indignation on your behalf~
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
you are so brave... I admire the hell out of you for the way you're coping with this! I'm so relieved that the news was, while not good, nonetheless something you can deal with. I'll be htinking about you!