oh my goodness!! I can NOT believ they haven't come up with a better way yet. hell, they can go through your stomach while doing lipo to give you a boob job, but they have to troture you to get a biposy? So not right....
Glad you got through it alright today! I hope you get a good night's rest and treat yourself to something fun tomorrow. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.
I was tired yesterday and not in the mood to write about the experience - but it was one hell of an experience -- thought I'd share...
so I go back with a nurse and I'm a bit nervous. She tells me the procedure is not that bad and it's no worse than going to the dentist. I'm like, cool - going to the dentist is a breeze for me - I've even had a cavity filled without any anesthetic in recent years (difficult to reach little cavity behind my back molar - easier for them to reach if I wasn't numbed up). Anyway - if it's like going to the dentist; no problem. She gives me my ONE valium () and sends me in.
First, you crawl up on the table and they get you all positioned then cover your back up with some sheets. Then the table hydraulically lifts toward the ceiling like a car in need of an oil change.
I don't know how many of you have had a mammogram, but they smash your boob between these plates so they can get a good x-ray. It hurts like hell but it only last a few seconds, so it's tolerable because you know it will end soon.
Since the boob smashing was a part of this procedure, I assumed they would give me anesthetic prior to the smashing since it would be prolonged. They didn't. The only time I got anesthetic was when they were preparing to make incisions. So boob in vice, I had to painfully wait for them to start the procedure.
When they started, they finally gave me a shot to numb things up. They then told me I would hear a pop and not to move (they actually had someone get up there and hold my back down for the "pop" thing - which I think was the shooting of a metal rod into my boob.
Then, very similarly to the dentist, the thing they used to extract tissue samples sounded like a drill - the drill went in around 6-10 times. Then there was the what sounded like a dentist's suction tube which I assumed they were using to suck the blood up.
Since I had two areas to biopsy, I had to go through this a second time in a more painful location for them to smash. It freaking hurt.
So the lady that told me it was no worse than going to the dentist was there afterward, and she said, "see, it wasn't that bad, was it?" I told her it was much worse than going to the dentist, and she replied "really?" She must have never had this done herself before...
After they got me off the table (very stiff since I couldn't move for an hour and a half) they led me into a mammogram room and topped it off with another mammogram! ugh! quit smashing me!!!
I am really bruised up and in pain today. I have to wear a sports bra until 3 today, at which time I can also take a shower. They also used butterfly bandages for the incisions so at least I don't have to deal with stitches.
Speaking of stitches, I'm going to try to be peppy and write a stitch and create a July/August issue over the next two days... It will help me get my mind off of things and will be one less thing on my plate...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
It sounds just awful. There really should be some better way to do that. If not, they should knock you out more, especially if you aren't supposed to move anyway. What difference would it make?
Ugh. At least the hardest part is over. Hopefully the worst bit of it is past you and you can just concentrate on feeling better now. And making an excellent stitch. I'd definitely have an extra glass of wine with dinner tonight. If they won't provide the proper medication, well, that what self-medication is for.
That is horrible. I had to take several valium to get through my lasik surgery, I can only imagine how much I would take to get throught that.
I hate when people lie to you about things as if to make it easier. I'm the type of person who wants to know exactly what to expect, so I can prepare. If it is going to hurt like a bitch, than I'm ready. If it winds up not hurting like a bitch, well we are all winners that day.