Oh sweetie you and your hubby don't deserve this. This is such a terrible thing. I wish there was something we could do to make you feel better. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if you need anything. BIG HUGS!!
Thanks girls! You have no idea how much all of your support means to me. It really is amazing what strength you can pull from a group of internet friends. You all mean the world to me! This time is just so much harder cause at least last time there was a tangible reason, this time is was just because. All I ever wanted in life is to be a wife and mom, and I have such a wonderful husband and I want to grow that love. I know it will happen for me in God's perfect time. In the mean time it's just sad, but I'm trying to be strong. And I think I'll hibernate for a few days in my pj's. Thanks again girls!