i was in a car accident yesterday. i still feel shaky today b/c of it.
i was sitting at a light waiting and a Ford F250 slammed into the back of my MINI CooperS which caused my car to bump the car in front of me. *sigh* needless to say- there is quite a bit of damage to my car and pratically none to the car in front or the truck.
my neck was killing me from being thrown backwards so my sister (much older and much wiser than me!) recommended going to the hospital so that everything was documented immediately. turns out i have a muscle strain to my back and neck which is good that nothing was worse. the other two people were fine too.
i can't get into my hatch which i need to get into for work so i am freaking out about that. my boss is flying in on monday early evening so i have to have everything fixed by then.
i just wanted to let my ST friends know...
eta: i just wanted to add that i prebought this dress thursday at the nordies sale and was going to return it b/c i really shouldn't be buying something like this before we go to our trip to europe... but i am going to keep it now for "pain and suffering"... shhh just don't tell my BF b/c he thinks i just put it on hold when really i bought it already!
Oh Bex I'm so glad you are ok and nothing more than a muscle strain. I was in a sandwich wreck once as the middle car and got squished too - luckily nothing more than whiplash but my poor mom was on back rest for almost a year.
That dress is beautiful and you definetly need to keep it.
I totally know what you mean by feeling all shaken up still. I was rear-ended a few weeks ago (pretty minor and absolutely no damage whatsoever to my car). My neck pain went away within a matter of days, but I still feel really paranoid everytime I look in my rearview mirror and see someone tailing me--I get all panicky and shaky feeling. It stinks.
But the good thing is that you're alright and your car will be fixed. I say keep the dress, too, by the way--it's totally justifiable.
I'm so glad you're ok. My first thought (after I knew you were ok) was your poor pretty car! I know it's your baby. At least it's fixable. And I think you deserve to keep that dress, it's cute and totally you.
So glad to hear you're ok Bex! How scary that must have been. I know you love your Mini and I'm glad it can be fixed. Oh and the dress is totally justifiable and adorable!
oh, bex! The exact same thing happened to me 6 years ago. It was a Ford F250 too! The woman hit me at 45 mph when I was stopped. It was terrible! She pushed me into the car in front of me (which later took off) and my poor Toyota Corolla was simply smushed. My trunk ended up right behind my headrest!
I had neck pain, too, for the first few days. I took some percocet () and it went away a few days later. And just a warning: the woman who hit me later turned it around and tried to say that I hit the car in front of me FIRST, and that's why she hit me (total BS). If you had witnesses, make sure you keep their info.
I hope you feel better! I am sorry. Poor Mini!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I'm glad you're ok, and glad your Mini is ok too. The dress is beautiful and you deserve it for your pain and suffering (plus, what the bf doesn't know won't hurt him ). Take care of yourself!
oh, bex! The exact same thing happened to me 6 years ago. It was a Ford F250 too! The woman hit me at 45 mph when I was stopped. It was terrible! She pushed me into the car in front of me (which later took off) and my poor Toyota Corolla was simply smushed. My trunk ended up right behind my headrest! I had neck pain, too, for the first few days. I took some percocet () and it went away a few days later. And just a warning: the woman who hit me later turned it around and tried to say that I hit the car in front of me FIRST, and that's why she hit me (total BS). If you had witnesses, make sure you keep their info. I hope you feel better! I am sorry. Poor Mini!
i'm glad i'm not the only one in a small car getting smushed by a big truck thank god we were both okay!
i took digital pictures at the scene... the only person i'm a little concerned about is the woman in front of me... not to prejudge but she just had the look/act of a bottomfeeder... it doesn't matter though- because i wasn't cited- it was entirely the fault of the guy that hit me... and i have those pictures!
I'm so glad you're ok. My first thought (after I knew you were ok) was your poor pretty car! I know it's your baby. At least it's fixable. And I think you deserve to keep that dress, it's cute and totally you.
I'm glad you are ok. I thought the same thing as FP was your cute little car. But like she said you can get it fix. Let us know if you need anything.
if you consider a PT Cruiser hot... then- that's what I got!
thanks for all your well wishes girls- it means a lot.
I found out today that the guy that hit me didn't have insurance. he took out a new policy one hour after the accident! and the woman in front of me was driving with a suspended license!
i swear- you try to do everything right in this world and you still get screwed over somehow! my insurance company will have to pick up for all the damages and we will have to go after him for the deductible and my hospital bills.